Gerhard Baur
Gerhard Baur
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Electromagnetic processes in relativistic heavy ion collisions
CA Bertulani, G Baur
Physics Reports 163 (5-6), 299-408, 1988
Coherent γγ and γA interactions in very peripheral collisions at relativistic ion colliders
G Baur, K Hencken, D Trautmann, S Sadovsky, Y Kharlov
Physics Reports 364 (5), 359-450, 2002
Photon-photon physics in very peripheral collisions of relativistic heavy ions
G Baur, K Hencken, D Trautmann
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 24 (9), 1657, 1998
Coulomb breakup of nuclei—applications to astrophysics
G Baur, H Rebel
Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 46 (1), 321-350, 1996
Electron–positron pair production in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions
G Baur, K Hencken, D Trautmann
Physics Reports 453 (1), 1-27, 2007
The break-up of the deuteron and stripping to unbound states
G Baur, D Trautmann
Physics Reports 25 (4), 293-358, 1976
Electromagnetic dissociation as a tool for nuclear structure and astrophysics
G Baur, K Hencken, D Trautmann
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 51 (2), 487-564, 2003
Electromagnetic strength of neutron and proton single-particle halo nuclei
S Typel, G Baur
Nuclear Physics A 759 (3-4), 247-308, 2005
Multi-photon exchange processes in ultraperipheral relativistic heavy-ion collisions
G Baur, K Hencken, A Aste, D Trautmann, SR Klein
Nuclear Physics A 729 (2-4), 787-808, 2003
Impact-parameter dependence of the total probability for electromagnetic electron-positron pair production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
K Hencken, D Trautmann, G Baur
Physical Review A 51 (3), 1874, 1995
Multiple electromagnetic electron-positron pair production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
A Alscher, K Hencken, D Trautmann, G Baur
Physical Review A 55 (1), 396, 1997
Photon-photon luminosities in relativistic heavy ion collisions at LHC energies
K Hencken, D Trautmann, G Baur
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields 68, 473-479, 1995
Bound-free electron-positron pair production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
H Meier, Z Halabuka, K Hencken, D Trautmann, G Baur
Physical Review A 63 (3), 032713, 2001
Multistep fragmentation of heavy ions in peripheral collisions at relativistic energies
G Baur, CA Bertulani
Physical Review C 34 (5), 1654, 1986
Higher-order processes in the electromagnetic production of electron-positron pairs in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
K Hencken, D Trautmann, G Baur
Physical Review A 51 (2), 998, 1995
Production of QED pairs at small impact parameter in relativistic heavy ion collisions
K Hencken, G Baur, D Trautmann
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 69 (5), 054902, 2004
Calculation of higher-order effects in electron-positron pair production in relativistic heavy ion collisions
K Hencken, D Trautmann, G Baur
Physical Review C 59 (2), 841, 1999
Electromagnetic pair production with capture
A Aste, K Hencken, D Trautmann, G Baur
Physical Review A 50 (5), 3980, 1994
Electromagnetic electron-positron pair production in heavy-ion collisions with impact parameter zero
K Hencken, D Trautmann, G Baur
Physical Review A 49 (3), 1584, 1994
Transverse Momentum Distribution of Vector Mesons Produced<? format?> in Ultraperipheral Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
K Hencken, G Baur, D Trautmann
Physical review letters 96 (1), 012303, 2006
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