Iain Osgood
Iain Osgood
Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Michigan
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The Charmed Life of Superstar Exporters: Survey Evidence on Firms and Trade Policy
I Osgood, D Tingley, T Bernauer, IS Kim, H Milner, G Spilker
Journal of Politics. 79 (1), 133-152, 2017
Firms in trade and trade politics
IS Kim, I Osgood
Annual Review of Political Science 22 (1), 399-417, 2019
Firms and global value chains: Identifying firms’ multidimensional trade preferences
IS Kim, HV Milner, T Bernauer, I Osgood, G Spilker, D Tingley
International Studies Quarterly 63 (1), 153-167, 2019
Globalizing the Supply Chain: Firm and Industrial Support for US Trade Agreements
I Osgood
International Organization 72 (2), 455-484, 2018
The Breakdown of Industrial Opposition to Trade: Firms, Product Variety and Reciprocal Liberalization
I Osgood
World Politics 69 (1), 184-231, 2017
Differentiated Products, Divided Industries: Firm Preferences over Trade Liberalization
I Osgood
Economics & Politics 28 (2), 161-180, 2016
Supply chain linkages and the extended carbon coalition
J Cory, M Lerner, I Osgood
American Journal of Political Science 65 (1), 69-87, 2021
Industrial Fragmentation over Trade: The Role of Variation in Global Engagement
I Osgood
International Studies Quarterly 61 (3), 642-659, 2017
Intellectual Property Provisions and Support for US Trade Agreements
I Osgood, Y Feng
Review of International Organizations 13 (3), 421-455, 2018
Trade at the margin: Estimating the economic implications of preferential trade agreements
G Spilker, T Bernauer, IS Kim, H Milner, I Osgood, D Tingley
The Review of International Organizations 13, 189-242, 2018
Vanguards of globalization: Organization and political action among America's pro-trade firms
I Osgood
Business and Politics 23 (1), 1-35, 2021
Exports, Jobs, Growth! Congressional Hearings on US Trade Agreements
J Lee, I Osgood
Economics & Politics 31 (1), 1--26, 2019
Escape Through Exports? Women-Owned Enterprises, Domestic Discrimination, and Global Markets
I Osgood, M Peters
Quarterly Journal of Political Science 12 (2), 143--183, 2017
The service economy: US trade coalitions in an era of deindustrialization
L Baccini, I Osgood, S Weymouth
The Review of International Organizations 14, 261-296, 2019
Nowhere to go: FDI, terror, and market-specific assets
I Osgood, C Simonelli
Journal of conflict resolution 64 (9), 1584-1611, 2020
Firms fight back: Production networks and corporate opposition to the China trade war
J Lee, I Osgood
Geopolitics, Supply Chains, and International Relations in East Asia 153, 2021
Across the Boards: Explaining Firm Support for Climate Policy
M Lerner, I Osgood
British Journal of Political Science 53 (3), 934-957, 2023
Free Trade's Organized Progressive Opposition
I Osgood, HY Ro
International Studies Quarterly 66 (3), sqac045, 2022
Protection forestall: Offshore firms against tariffs in their own industry
J Lee, I Osgood
Business and Politics 24 (4), 377-398, 2022
Representation and reward: the left-wing anti-globalization alliance, contributions, and the congress
I Osgood
Review of International Political Economy 30 (3), 991-1016, 2023
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