Javier de la Cruz
Javier de la Cruz
Associate professor at Universidad del Norte
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Algebraic structures of MRD codes
J de la Cruz, M Kiermaier, A Wassermann, W Willems
arXiv preprint arXiv:1502.02711, 2015
Weight distribution of rank-metric codes
J de la Cruz, E Gorla, HH López, A Ravagnani
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 86, 1-16, 2018
On group codes with complementary duals
J de la Cruz, W Willems
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 86, 2065-2073, 2018
A note on linear complementary pairs of group codes
M Borello, J de la Cruz, W Willems
Discrete Mathematics 343 (8), 111905, 2020
On checkable codes in group algebras
M Borello, J De La Cruz, W Willems
Journal of Algebra and its Applications 21 (06), 2250125, 2022
On dually almost MRD codes
J de la Cruz
Finite Fields and Their Applications 53, 1-20, 2018
On extremal self-dual codes of length 96
J de la Cruz, W Willems
IEEE transactions on information theory 57 (10), 6820-6823, 2011
Twisted group codes
J De La Cruz, W Willems
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 67 (8), 5178-5184, 2021
On the automorphism group of a binary self-dual code
S Bouyuklieva, J de la Cruz, W Willems
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing 24, 201-214, 2013
Public key cryptography based on twisted dihedral group algebras
J De la Cruz, R Villanueva-Polanco
arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.07798, 2021
Über die Automorphismengruppe extremaler Codes der Längen 96 und 120
J de la Cruz
PhD, Otto-von-Guericke Universität, Magdeburg, Germany, 2012
Hermitian rank metric codes and duality
J De La Cruz, JR Evilla, F Özbudak
IEEE Access 9, 38479-38487, 2021
On extremal self-dual codes of length 120
J de la Cruz
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 75, 243-252, 2015
Extremal binary and ternary codes of length 60 with an automorphism of order 29 and a generalization
S Bouyuklieva, J de la Cruz, D Villar
Mathematics 10 (5), 748, 2022
On q-Steiner systems from rank metric codes
F Arias, J de la Cruz, J Rosenthal, W Willems
Discrete Mathematics 341 (10), 2729-2734, 2018
On the structure of binary LCD codes having an automorphism of odd prime order
S Bouyuklieva, J de la Cruz
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 68 (10), 6426-6433, 2022
The automorphism group of an extremal [120, 60, 24] code does not contain elements of order 29
J de la Cruz, M Kiermaier, A Wassermann
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 78, 693-702, 2016
5-Designs related to binary extremal self-dual codes of length 24m
J de la Cruz, W Willems
Theory an applications of finite fields, Contemp. Mathe 579, 75-80, 2012
Twisted skew G-codes
A Behajaina, M Borello, J Cruz, W Willems
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 92 (6), 1803-1821, 2024
Abelian and consta-Abelian polyadic codes over affine algebras with a finite commutative chain coefficient ring
GG Yılmazgüç, J de la Cruz, E Martínez-Moro
Cryptography and Communications, 1-19, 2024
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