Claro Noda
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Symmetry breaking in escaping ants
E Altshuler, O Ramos, Y Núñez, J Fernández, AJ Batista-Leyva, C Noda
The American Naturalist 166 (6), 643-649, 2005
JamLab: Augmenting sensornet testbeds with realistic and controlled interference generation
CA Boano, T Voigt, C Noda, K Römer, M Zúñiga
Proceedings of the 10th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information …, 2011
Avalanches in one-dimensional piles with different types of bases
E Altshuler, O Ramos, C Martínez, LE Flores, C Noda
Physical review letters 86 (24), 5490, 2001
Quantifying the channel quality for interference-aware wireless sensor networks
C Noda, S Prabh, M Alves, CA Boano, T Voigt
ACM SIGBED Review 8 (4), 43-48, 2011
Radio link quality estimation in low-power wireless networks
N Baccour, A Koubâa, C Noda, H Fotouhi, M Alves, H Youssef, MA Zúniga, ...
Springer International Publishing, 2013
External radio interference
N Baccour, A Koubâa, C Noda, H Fotouhi, M Alves, H Youssef, MA Zúñiga, ...
Radio Link Quality Estimation in Low-Power Wireless Networks, 21-63, 2013
Foraging at the edge of chaos: Internal clock versus external forcing
SC Nicolis, J Fernández, C Pérez-Penichet, C Noda, F Tejera, O Ramos, ...
Physical review letters 110 (26), 268104, 2013
On packet size and error correction optimisations in low-power wireless networks
C Noda, S Prabh, M Alves, T Voigt
2013 IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communications and Networking …, 2013
Hysteresis of the critical current density in YBCO, HBCCO and BSCCO superconducting polycrystals: a comparative study
AJ Batista-Leyva, R Cobas, E Estévez-Rams, MTD Orlando, C Noda, ...
Physica C: Superconductivity 331 (1), 57-66, 2000
Relaxation of the transport critical current in high-T c polycrystals
E Altshuler, R Cobas, AJ Batista-Leyva, C Noda, LE Flores, C Martinez, ...
Physical Review B 60 (5), 3673, 1999
Battery-Free 802.15. 4 Receiver
C Pérez-Penichet, C Noda, A Varshney, T Voigt
2018 17th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in …, 2018
Magnetic hysteresis of the zero-resistance critical temperature in YBaCuO, BiSrCaCuO and HgBaCaCuO superconducting polycrystals
AJ Batista-Leyva, R Cobas, MTD Orlando, C Noda, E Altshuler
Physica C: Superconductivity 314 (1-2), 73-80, 1999
Measuring activity in ant colonies
C Noda, J Fernández, C Pérez-Penichet, E Altshuler
Review of scientific instruments 77 (12), 2006
On the scalability of constructive interference in low-power wireless networks
C Noda, CM Pérez-Penichet, B Seeber, M Zennaro, M Alves, A Moreira
Wireless Sensor Networks: 12th European Conference, EWSN 2015, Porto …, 2015
Overview of link quality estimation
N Baccour, A Koubâa, C Noda, H Fotouhi, M Alves, H Youssef, MA Zúñiga, ...
Radio Link Quality Estimation in Low-Power Wireless Networks, 65-86, 2013
CRAWDAD data set cister/rssi (v. 2012-05-17)
C Noda, S Prabh, M Alves, T Voigt, CA Boano
CRAWDAD wireless network data archive 5, 2012
Laser patterning: A new approach to measure local magneto-transport properties in multifilamentary superconducting tapes
CFS Valdes, C Pérez-Penichet, C Noda, M Arronte, AJ Batista-Leyva, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 316 (2), e930-e933, 2007
A channel quality metric for interference-aware wireless sensor networks
C Noda, S Prabh, CA Boano, T Voigt, M Alves
Proceedings of the 10th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information …, 2011
Automatic system for the direct and continuous measurement of the irreversibility line of high superconductors
LE Flores, C Noda, C Abascal, JL González
Review of scientific instruments 69 (10), 3634-3636, 1998
Radio Link Quality Estimation in Low-Power Wireless Networks
H Fotouhi, M Alves, M Zuniga, N Baccour, C Noda, T Voigt, K Romer, ...
Springer, 2013
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