Natalie Nitsche
Natalie Nitsche
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Housework over the course of relationships: Gender ideology, resources, and the division of housework from a growth curve perspective
N Nitsche, D Grunow
Advances in life course research 29, 80-94, 2016
Mythos flexibilisierung?
KU Mayer, D Grunow, N Nitsche
Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 62 (3), 369, 2010
Partners’ educational pairings and fertility across Europe
N Nitsche, A Matysiak, J Van Bavel, D Vignoli
Demography 55, 1195-1232, 2018
Data resource profile: COVerAGE-DB: a global demographic database of COVID-19 cases and deaths
T Riffe, E Acosta
International Journal of Epidemiology 50 (2), 390-390f, 2021
Do economic resources play a role in bargaining child care in couples? Parental investment in cases of matching and mismatching gender ideologies in Germany
N Nitsche, D Grunow
European Societies 20 (5), 785-815, 2018
‘The proper age for parenthood’and second birth rates in Europe
J Van Bavel, N Nitsche
European Sociological Review 29 (6), 1149-1161, 2013
Preferences, partners, and parenthood: Linking early fertility desires, marriage timing, and achieved fertility
N Nitsche, SR Hayford
Demography 57 (6), 1975-2001, 2020
Late, but not too late? Postponement of first birth among highly educated US women
N Nitsche, H Brückner
European Journal of Population 37 (2), 371-403, 2021
Opting out of the family
N Nitsche, H Brueckner
Social change in racial inequality in family formation patterns and marriage …, 2009
Birth cohort changes in fertility ideals: evidence from repeated cross-sectional surveys in Finland
K Golovina, N Nitsche, V Berg, A Miettinen, A Rotkirch, M Jokela
European Sociological Review, 1-16, 2023
COVID-19 fatality in Germany
S Morwinsky, N Nitsche, E Acosta
Demographic research 45, 1355-1372, 2021
Subjective perceptions of employment mobility: a comparison of east and west Germany
N Nitsche, KU Mayer
Comparative Sociology 12 (2), 184-210, 2013
Stillbirths in Germany: On the rise, but no additional increases during the first COVID-19 lockdown
MS Kniffka, N Nitsche, R Rau, M Kühn
International Journal of Gynecology and Obstretrics 2021 (155), 483-489, 2021
In their footsteps or shadow? Gender differences in choosing a STEM major as a function of sibling configuration and older sibling’s gender and math ability
L Gabay-Egozi, N Nitsche, L Grieger
Sex Roles 86 (1), 106-126, 2022
Institutions and costs–determinants of firm financed training activities in four European countries
R Mytzek-Zühlke, N Nitsche
Lifelong Learning. Building Bridges through Transitional Labour Markets …, 2006
Countries embracing maternal employment opened schools sooner after Covid-19 lockdowns
N Nitsche, A Hudde
Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, 2022
Pandemic babies? Fertility in the aftermath of the first COVID-19 wave across European regions
N Nitsche, A Jasilioniene, J Nisén, P Li, MS Kniffka, J Schöley, ...
Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, 2022
Emerging Trends: Family Formation and Gender
A Matysiak, N Nitsche
Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2016
Explaining the recent change in parental leave policy in Germany: A German–Austrian comparison
N Nitsche
Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. Boston: ASA, 2008
Emotion and fertility in times of disaster: Conceptualizing fertility responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond
N Nitsche, DS Lee
MPIDR: Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, 2022
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Articles 1–20