The Menu of Autocratic Innovation L Morgenbesser Democratization 27 (6), 1053-1072, 2020 | 125 | 2020 |
Behind the Façade: Elections under Authoritarianism in Southeast Asia L Morgenbesser State University of New York Press, 2016 | 116 | 2016 |
Cambodia's Transition to Hegemonic Authoritarianism L Morgenbesser Journal of Democracy 30 (1), 158-171, 2019 | 100 | 2019 |
The Autocratic Mandate: Elections, Legitimacy and Regime Stability in Singapore L Morgenbesser The Pacific Review 30 (2), 205-231, 2017 | 81 | 2017 |
Elections as Causes of Democratization: Southeast Asia in Comparative Perspective L Morgenbesser, T Pepinsky Comparative Political Studies 52 (1), 3-35, 2019 | 76 | 2019 |
Survive and Thrive: Field Research in Authoritarian Southeast Asia L Morgenbesser, M Weiss Asian Studies Review 42 (3), 385-403, 2018 | 75 | 2018 |
Elections in Hybrid Regimes: Conceptual Stretching Revived L Morgenbesser Political Studies 62 (1), 21-36, 2014 | 75 | 2014 |
Misclassification on the Mekong: The Origins of Hun Sen's Personalist Dictatorship L Morgenbesser Democratization 25 (2), 192-208, 2018 | 73 | 2018 |
The Rise of Sophisticated Authoritarianism in Southeast Asia L Morgenbesser Cambridge University Press, 2020 | 72 | 2020 |
Out of the Shadows: Autocratic Regimes, Election Observation and Legitimation M Debre, L Morgenbesser Contemporary Politics 23 (3), 328-347, 2017 | 61 | 2017 |
The Failure of Democratisation by Elections in Cambodia L Morgenbesser Contemporary Politics 23 (2), 135-155, 2016 | 55 | 2016 |
In Search of Stability: Electoral Legitimation under Authoritarianism in Myanmar L Morgenbesser European Journal of East Asian Studies 14 (2), 163-188, 2015 | 21 | 2015 |
Election Turnout in Authoritarian Regimes FM i Coma, L Morgenbesser Electoral Studies 68, 1-11, 2020 | 17* | 2020 |
Fake Monitors Endorse Cambodia’s Sham Election L Morgenbesser Foreign Policy, 2018 | 9 | 2018 |
Bridging the Information Gap: A Survey of Politics and International Relations PhD Students in Australia G Kefford, L Morgenbesser Australian Journal of Political Science 48 (4), 507-518, 2013 | 9 | 2013 |
The 2012 TRIP Survey of International Relations in Australia: One Problem to Rule us All L Morgenbesser Australian Journal of International Affairs 67 (2), 218-233, 2013 | 6 | 2013 |
‘Smarter’Authoritarianism: The Survival Tools of Dictators E Frantz, L Morgenbesser Southern Political Science Association Annual Meeting. New Orleans, January …, 2017 | 5 | 2017 |
Authoritarian Warning Survey MK Miller, D Szakonyi, L Morgenbesser | 3 | 2017 |
Why Do Authoritarian Regimes Hold Elections? LE Morgenbesser Griffith University, 2014 | 3 | 2014 |
The APSA Journal List: Popularity, Purpose and Performance D McDonnell, L Morgenbesser Australian Journal of Political Science 54 (3), 318-333, 2019 | 2 | 2019 |