Jaume Rosselló Mir
Jaume Rosselló Mir
Universitat de les Illes Balears / University of the Balearic Islands
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Activation of the prefrontal cortex in the human visual aesthetic perception
CJ Cela-Conde, G Marty, F Maestú, T Ortiz, E Munar, A Fernández, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (16), 6321-6325, 2004
Modelos teóricos en el estudio científico de la emoción
J Rosselló, X Revert
Motivación y emoción, 95-138, 2008
Towards a framework for the study of the neural correlates of aesthetic preference
M Nadal, E Munar, MA Capo, J Rossello, CJ Cela-Conde
Spatial Vision 21 (3-5), 3-5, 2008
Variability and Situatedness of Human Emotions: Comment on “The quartet theory of human emotions: An integrative and neurofunctional model” by S. Koelsch et al.
M Nadal, J Rosselló
Physics of Life Reviews 13, 75-76., 2015
Atención y percepción
E Munar, JR i Mir, EM i Roca, AS Cabaco
Anaya-Spain, 1999
Psicología de la atención
J Rosselló
Madrid: Pirámide, 1998
Preference for Curved Contours Across Cultures
G Gómez-Puerto, J Rosselló, G Corradi, C Acedo-Carmona, E Munar, ..., 2017
El desarrollo de la audición humana
E Munar, J Rosselló, C Mas, P Morente, M Quetgles
Psicothema, 247-254, 2002
Affective priming using facial expressions modulates liking for abstract art
A Flexas, J Rosselló, JF Christensen, M Nadal, A Olivera La Rosa, ...
PLOS ONE 8 (11), e80154, 2013
On the relationships between disgust and morality: A critical review
AO La Rosa, JR Mir
Psicothema, 222-226, 2013
Factorial dimension of aesthetic experience.
G Marty, CJC Conde, E Munar, J Rossello, M Roca, JT Excudero
Psicothema 15 (3), 478-483, 2003
Lateral orbitofrontal cortex involvement in initial negative aesthetic impression formation
E Munar, M Nadal, J Rosselló, A Flexas, S Moratti, F Maestú, G Marty, ...
PLoS One 7 (6), e38152, 2012
Resolviendo el puzzle de la atención visual:ż Hacia la desintegración del" homúnculo"?
J Roselló i Mir, E Munar Roca
Psicothema 16 (1), 64-69, 2004
Psicología del sentimiento: motivación y emoción
J Rosselló
Palma de Mallorca: Ediciones UIB, 1995
La atención selectiva en bajas tasas de alcoholemia
JR Mir, EM Roca
La atención: un enfoque pluridisciplinar: su estudio desde la investigación …, 1998
The effects of presentation time on preference for curvature of real objects and meaningless novel patterns
G Corradi, J Rosselló‐Mir, J Vańó, E Chuquichambi, M Bertamini, ...
British Journal of Psychology 110 (4), 670-685, 2019
Cognitive control and unusual decisions about beauty: an fMRI study
A Flexas, J Rosselló, P de Miguel, M Nadal, E Munar
Frontiers in human neuroscience 8, 520, 2014
Selección para la percepción, selección para la acción (selection for perception, selection for action)
J Rosselló
E. Munar, J. Rosselló and AS Cabaco (Coords), Atención y percepción, 99-150, 1997
Effects of citicholine in subcortical dementia associated with Parkinson's disease assessed by quantified electroencephalography.
A Garcia-Mas, A Rossinol, M Roca, R Lozano, J Rosselló, J Llinas
Clinical therapeutics 14 (5), 718-729, 1992
Effects of alcohol on divided attention and on accuracy of attentional shift
JR Mir, EM Roca, R Arias, SJ López
Psychology in Spain, 69-74, 1999
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