Miloš Šrámek
Miloš Šrámek
Sonstige NamenMilos Sramek
Senior researcher, Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology, Vienna, Austria
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Zitiert von
3D distance fields: A survey of techniques and applications
MW Jones, JA Baerentzen, M Sramek
IEEE Transactions on visualization and Computer Graphics 12 (4), 581-599, 2006
Alias-free voxelization of geometric objects
M Sramek, AE Kaufman
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 5 (3), 251-267, 1999
Fast ray-tracing of rectilinear volume data using distance transforms
M Sramek, A Kaufman
IEEE Transactions on visualization and computer graphics 6 (3), 236-252, 2000
The VesselGlyph: Focus & context visualization in CT-angiography
M Straka, M Cervenansky, A La Cruz, A Kochl, M Sramek, E Groller, ...
IEEE Visualization 2004, 385-392, 2004
Object voxeliztion by filtering
M Šrámek, A Kaufman
Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE symposium on Volume visualization, 111-118, 1998
Fast surface rendering from raster data by voxel traversal using chessboard distance
M Sramek
Proceedings Visualization'94, 188-195, 1994
Multipath Curved Planar Reformation of the Peripheral Arterial Tree in CT Angiography1
JE Roos, D Fleischmann, A Koechl, T Rakshe, M Straka, A Napoli, ...
Radiology 244 (1), 281-290, 2007
3D watershed transform combined with a probabilistic atlas for medical image segmentation
M Straka, A La Cruz, A Kochl, M Srámek, E Groller, D Fleischmann
Journal of Medical Informatics & Technologies 6, 2003
MR imaging of teeth using a silent single point imaging technique
MLH Gruwel, P Latta, M Tanasiewicz, V Volotovskyy, M Šramek, ...
Applied Physics A 88, 763-767, 2007
vxt: A class library for object voxelisation
M Sramek, AE Kaufman
Volume Graphics, 119-134, 2000
Non-linear model fitting to parameterize diseased blood vessels
A La Cruz, M Straka, A Kochl, M Srámek, E Groller, D Fleischmann
IEEE Visualization 2004, 393-400, 2004
Christmas tree case study: computed tomography as a tool for mastering complex real world objects with applications in computer graphics
A Kanitsar, T Theußl, L Mroz, M Srámek, AV Bartrolí, B Csébfalvi, ...
IEEE Visualization, 2002. VIS 2002., 489-492, 2002
Bone segmentation in CT-angiography data using a probabilistic atlas
M Straka, A La Cruz, LI Dimitrov, M Šrámek, D Fleischmann, E Gröller
VMV, 505-512, 2003
A morphological approach to the voxelization of solids
JA Bærentzen, M Šrámek, NJ Christensen
Václav Skala-UNION Agency, 2000
Enhanced voxelization and representation of objects with sharp details in truncated distance fields
P Novotny, LI Dimitrov, M Sramek
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 16 (3), 484-498, 2009
Anisotropic filtering of MRI data based upon image gradient histogram
I Bajla, M Marušiak, M Šrámek
Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: 5th International Conference, CAIP …, 1993
Polycomb-mediated repression of paternal chromosomes maintains haploid dosage in diploid embryos of Marchantia
SA Montgomery, T Hisanaga, N Wang, E Axelsson, S Akimcheva, ...
Elife 11, e79258, 2022
Single point imaging with suppressed sound pressure levels through gradient-shape adjustment
P Latta, MLH Gruwel, E Edie, M Šrámek, B Tomanek
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 170 (2), 177-183, 2004
Visualization of volumetric data by ray tracing
M Sramek
Smart super views—A knowledge-assisted interface for medical visualization
G Mistelbauer, A Köchl, R Schernthaner, I Baclija, R Schernthaner, ...
2012 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), 163-172, 2012
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