Martin Schmid
Cited by
Cited by
Long term socio-ecological research: Studies in society-nature interactions across spatial and temporal scales
Singh, S Jit, H Haberl, M Chertow, M Mirtl, M Schmid
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Changes in water and land: the reconstructed Viennese riverscape from 1500 to the present
S Hohensinner, B Lager, C Sonnlechner, G Haidvogl, S Gierlinger, ...
Water History 5, 145-172, 2013
Looking at half a millennium of co-existence: the Danube in Vienna as a socio-natural site
V Winiwarter, M Schmid, G Dressel
Water History 5, 101-119, 2013
Two steps back, one step forward: reconstructing the dynamic Danube riverscape under human influence in Vienna
S Hohensinner, C Sonnlechner, M Schmid, V Winiwarter
Water History 5, 121-143, 2013
Stocks, flows, services and practices: Nexus approaches to sustainable social metabolism
H Haberl, M Schmid, W Haas, D Wiedenhofer, H Rau, V Winiwarter
Ecological Economics 182, 106949, 2021
Environmental Histories of the First World War
RP Tucker, T Keller, JR McNeill, M Schmid
Cambridge University Press, 2018
Umweltgeschichte als Untersuchung sozionaturaler Schauplätze? Ein Versuch, Johannes Colers „Oeconomia “umwelthistorisch zu interpretieren
V Winiwarter, M Schmid
Umweltverhalten in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Vergleichende Ansätze, 158-173, 2008
Hidden emissions of forest transitions: a socio-ecological reading of forest change
S Gingrich, C Lauk, M Niedertscheider, M Pichler, A Schaffartzik, ...
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 38, 14-21, 2019
The environmental history of the Danube river basin as an issue of long-term socio-ecological research
V Winiwarter, M Schmid, S Hohensinner, G Haidvogl
Long term socio-ecological research: studies in society-nature interactions …, 2013
Typology of historical sources and the reconstruction of long‐term historical changes of riverine fish: a case study of the A ustrian D anube and northern R ussian rivers
G Haidvogl, D Lajus, D Pont, M Schmid, M Jungwirth, J Lajus
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 23 (4), 498-515, 2014
Vom Naturschutz zur Ökologiebewegung: Umweltgeschichte Österreichs in der Zweiten Republik
M Schmid, V Ortrun
(No Title), 2006
The coupled socio-ecohydrological evolution of river systems: Towards an integrative perspective of river systems in the 21st century
T Hein, C Hauer, M Schmid, G Stöglehner, C Stumpp, T Ertl, W Graf, ...
Science of The Total Environment 801, 149619, 2021
LTER-Europe design and implementation report–Enabling “Next Generation Ecological Science”: Report on the design and implementation phase of LTER-Europe under ALTER-Net …
M Mirtl, M Boamrane, L Braat, E Furman, K Krauze, M Frenzel, V Gaube, ...
Umweltbundesamt(Federal Environment Agency Austria), Vienna, Austria, 2009
Umwelt Donau-eine andere Geschichte: Katalog zur Ausstellung des Niederösterreichischen Landesarchivs im ehemaligen Pfarrhof in Ardagger Markt, 5. Mai-7. November 2010
V Winiwarter, M Schmid
NÖ. Inst. f. Landeskunde, 2010
Socio-Natural Sites
V Winiwarter, M Schmid
Sebastian Haumann, Martin Knoll, Detlev Mares (eds.), Concepts of Urban …, 2020
Die Donau als sozionaturaler Schauplatz. Ein konzeptueller Entwurf für umwelthistorische Studien in der Frühen Neuzeit
M Schmid
Die Natur ist überall bei uns. Mensch und Natur in der Frühen Neuzeit, 59-79, 2008
Jenseits traditioneller Wissenschaft? Zur Rolle von Wissenschaft in einer vorsorgenden Gesellschaft
H Egner, M Schmid
oekom, 2012
Why Legacies matter: Merits of a Long-Term Perspective
V Winiwarter, M Schmid, SJ Haberl, H., Singh
H. Haberl, F. Krausmann, M. Fischer-Kowalski and V. Winiwarter (eds): Social …, 2016
Mechanisms to exclude local people from forests: Shifting power relations in forest transitions
M Pichler, M Schmid, S Gingrich
Ambio 51 (4), 849-862, 2022
“Society can’t move so much as a chair!” – Systems, Structures and Actors in Social Ecology
D Hausknost, V Gaube, W Haas, B Smetschka, Lutz, J., SJ Singh, Schmid, ...
: H. Haberl, F. Krausmann, M. Fischer-Kowalski and V. Winiwarter (eds …, 2016
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