Anastasia Kiyonaga
Anastasia Kiyonaga
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Examining the protective effects of mindfulness training on working memory capacity and affective experience.
AP Jha, EA Stanley, A Kiyonaga, L Wong, L Gelfand
Emotion 10 (1), 54, 2010
Working memory as internal attention: Toward an integrative account of internal and external selection processes
A Kiyonaga, T Egner
Psychonomic bulletin & review 20, 228-242, 2013
Mindfulness-based mind fitness training: A case study of a high-stress predeployment military cohort
EA Stanley, JM Schaldach, A Kiyonaga, AP Jha
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice 18 (4), 566-576, 2011
Serial dependence across perception, attention, and memory
A Kiyonaga, JM Scimeca, DP Bliss, D Whitney
Trends in Cognitive Sciences 21 (7), 493-497, 2017
Reaffirming the sensory recruitment account of working memory
JM Scimeca, A Kiyonaga, M D’Esposito
Trends in cognitive sciences 22 (3), 190-192, 2018
The influence of concentrative meditation training on the development of attention networks during early adolescence
S Baijal, AP Jha, A Kiyonaga, R Singh, N Srinivasan
Frontiers in Psychology 2, 153, 2011
Cognitive control over working memory biases of selection
A Kiyonaga, T Egner, D Soto
Psychonomic bulletin & review 19, 639-646, 2012
The working memory Stroop effect: When internal representations clash with external stimuli
A Kiyonaga, T Egner
Psychological science 25 (8), 1619-1629, 2014
Center-surround inhibition in working memory
A Kiyonaga, T Egner
Current Biology 26 (1), 64-68, 2016
Practical considerations for navigating registered reports
A Kiyonaga, JM Scimeca
Trends in neurosciences 42 (9), 568-572, 2019
Working-memory-triggered dynamic adjustments in cognitive control.
AP Jha, A Kiyonaga
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 36 (4), 1036, 2010
Resource-sharing between internal maintenance and external selection modulates attentional capture by working memory content
A Kiyonaga, T Egner
Frontiers in human neuroscience 8, 670, 2014
A parieto-medial temporal pathway for the strategic control over working memory biases in human visual attention
D Soto, CM Greene, A Kiyonaga, CR Rosenthal, T Egner
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (49), 17563-17571, 2012
Neural representation of working memory content is modulated by visual attentional demand
A Kiyonaga, EW Dowd, T Egner
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 29 (12), 2011-2024, 2017
Dissociable causal roles for left and right parietal cortex in controlling attentional biases from the contents of working memory
A Kiyonaga, FM Korb, J Lucas, D Soto, T Egner
Neuroimage 100, 200-205, 2014
Long-term learning transforms prefrontal cortex representations during working memory
JA Miller, A Tambini, A Kiyonaga, M D’Esposito
Neuron 110 (22), 3805-3819. e6, 2022
Attentional guidance by working memory differs by paradigm: An individual-differences approach
EW Dowd, A Kiyonaga, T Egner, SR Mitroff
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 77, 704-712, 2015
Reduced risk-taking following disruption of the intraparietal sulcus
CG Coutlee, A Kiyonaga, FM Korb, SA Huettel, T Egner
Frontiers in neuroscience 10, 588, 2016
Hemisphere-specific parietal contributions to the interplay between working memory and attention
A Kiyonaga, JP Powers, YC Chiu, T Egner
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 33 (8), 1428-1441, 2021
Quality and accessibility of visual working memory during cognitive control of attentional guidance: A Bayesian model comparison approach
EW Dowd, A Kiyonaga, JM Beck, T Egner
Visual Cognition 23 (3), 337-356, 2015
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