Mehmet Fatih Tasgetiren
Mehmet Fatih Tasgetiren
Sonstige NamenM. Fatih Tasgetiren, Tasgetiren MF, Fatih Taşgetiren
Industrial Engineering Department, Baskent University, Ankara, Turkey
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Differential evolution algorithm with ensemble of parameters and mutation strategies
R Mallipeddi, PN Suganthan, QK Pan, MF Tasgetiren
Applied soft computing 11 (2), 1679-1696, 2011
A discrete artificial bee colony algorithm for the lot-streaming flow shop scheduling problem
QK Pan, MF Tasgetiren, PN Suganthan, TJ Chua
Information sciences 181 (12), 2455-2468, 2011
A particle swarm optimization algorithm for makespan and total flowtime minimization in the permutation flowshop sequencing problem
MF Tasgetiren, YC Liang, M Sevkli, G Gencyilmaz
European journal of operational research 177 (3), 1930-1947, 2007
A discrete particle swarm optimization algorithm for the no-wait flowshop scheduling problem
QK Pan, MF Tasgetiren, YC Liang
Computers & Operations Research 35 (9), 2807-2839, 2008
Future trends and current state of smart city concepts: A survey
A Kirimtat, O Krejcar, A Kertesz, MF Tasgetiren
IEEE access 8, 86448-86467, 2020
A self-adaptive global best harmony search algorithm for continuous optimization problems
QK Pan, PN Suganthan, MF Tasgetiren, JJ Liang
Applied Mathematics and Computation 216 (3), 830-848, 2010
A discrete differential evolution algorithm for the permutation flowshop scheduling problem
QQ Pan, MF Tasgetiren, YC Liang
Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2007
A discrete artificial bee colony algorithm for the multi-objective flexible job-shop scheduling problem with maintenance activities
JQ Li, QK Pan, MF Tasgetiren
Applied Mathematical Modelling 38 (3), 1111-1132, 2014
Dynamic multi-swarm particle swarm optimizer with local search for large scale global optimization
SZ Zhao, JJ Liang, PN Suganthan, MF Tasgetiren
2008 IEEE congress on evolutionary computation (IEEE world congress on …, 2008
A discrete artificial bee colony algorithm for the total flowtime minimization in permutation flow shops
MF Tasgetiren, QK Pan, PN Suganthan, AHL Chen
Information sciences 181 (16), 3459-3475, 2011
Particle swarm optimization algorithm for single machine total weighted tardiness problem
MF Tasgetiren, M Sevkli, YC Liang, G Gençyilmaz
Proceedings of the 2004 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE Cat. No …, 2004
Particle swarm optimization algorithm for permutation flowshop sequencing problem
MF Tasgetiren, M Sevkli, YC Liang, G Gencyilmaz
International Workshop on Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence …, 2004
A binary particle swarm optimization algorithm for lot sizing problem
MF Taşgetiren, YC Liang
Journal of Economic and Social Research 5 (2), 1-20, 2003
A hybrid harmony search algorithm for the blocking permutation flow shop scheduling problem
L Wang, QK Pan, MF Tasgetiren
Computers & Industrial Engineering 61 (1), 76-83, 2011
Minimizing the total flow time in a flow shop with blocking by using hybrid harmony search algorithms
L Wang, QK Pan, MF Tasgetiren
Expert Systems with Applications 37 (12), 7929-7936, 2010
Artificial bee colony algorithm for scheduling and rescheduling fuzzy flexible job shop problem with new job insertion
KZ Gao, PN Suganthan, QK Pan, MF Tasgetiren, A Sadollah
Knowledge-based systems 109, 1-16, 2016
Dynamic multi-swarm particle swarm optimizer with harmony search
SZ Zhao, PN Suganthan, QK Pan, MF Tasgetiren
Expert Systems with Applications 38 (4), 3735-3742, 2011
An ensemble of discrete differential evolution algorithms for solving the generalized traveling salesman problem
MF Tasgetiren, PN Suganthan, QK Pan
Applied Mathematics and Computation 215 (9), 3356-3368, 2010
A discrete differential evolution algorithm for the single machine total weighted tardiness problem with sequence dependent setup times
MF Tasgetiren, QK Pan, YC Liang
Computers & Operations Research 36 (6), 1900-1915, 2009
Multi-objective energy and daylight optimization of amorphous shading devices in buildings
A Kirimtat, O Krejcar, B Ekici, MF Tasgetiren
Solar Energy 185, 100-111, 2019
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