Jonathan Doh
Jonathan Doh
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Corporate social responsibility, public policy, and NGO activism in Europe and the United States: An institutional‐stakeholder perspective
JP Doh, TR Guay
Journal of Management studies 43 (1), 47-73, 2006
International management: Culture, strategy, and behavior
RM Hodgetts, F Luthans
(No Title), 2006
The importance of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in global governance and value creation: An international business research agenda
H Teegen, JP Doh, S Vachani
Journal of international business studies 35, 463-483, 2004
Corporate-NGO collaboration: Co-creating new business models for developing markets
NM Dahan, JP Doh, J Oetzel, M Yaziji
Long range planning 43 (2-3), 326-342, 2010
International management: Culture, strategy, and behavior
F Luthans, JP Doh
McGraw-Hill, 2018
Towards a renaissance in international business research? Big questions, grand challenges, and the future of IB scholarship
PJ Buckley, JP Doh, MH Benischke
Journal of International Business Studies 48, 1045-1064, 2017
Offshore outsourcing: Implications for international business and strategic management theory and practice
JP Doh
Journal of Management Studies 42 (3), 695-704, 2005
Does the market respond to an endorsement of social responsibility? The role of institutions, information, and legitimacy
JP Doh, SD Howton, SW Howton, DS Siegel
Journal of management 36 (6), 1461-1485, 2010
The impact of corruption on entry strategy: Evidence from telecommunication projects in emerging economies
K Uhlenbruck, P Rodriguez, J Doh, L Eden
Organization science 17 (3), 402-414, 2006
NGOs and corporations: Conflict and collaboration
M Yaziji, J Doh
Cambridge University Press, 2009
Non-governmental organizations, shareholder activism, and socially responsible investments: Ethical, strategic, and governance implications
T Guay, JP Doh, G Sinclair
Journal of business ethics 52, 125-139, 2004
International business responses to institutional voids
J Doh, S Rodrigues, A Saka-Helmhout, M Makhija
Journal of International Business Studies 48, 293-307, 2017
Responsible leadership and stakeholder management: Influence pathways and organizational outcomes
JP Doh, NR Quigley
Academy of Management Perspectives 28 (3), 255-274, 2014
Can leadership be taught? Perspectives from management educators
JP Doh
Academy of Management Learning & Education 2 (1), 54-67, 2003
Coping with corruption in foreign markets
JP Doh, P Rodriguez, K Uhlenbruck, J Collins, L Eden
Academy of Management Perspectives 17 (3), 114-127, 2003
Stakeholder pressures as determinants of CSR strategic choice: Why do firms choose symbolic versus substantive self-regulatory codes of conduct?
LA Perez-Batres, JP Doh, VV Miller, MJ Pisani
Journal of business ethics 110, 157-172, 2012
Advancing nonmarket strategy research: Institutional perspectives in a changing world
JP Doh, TC Lawton, T Rajwani
Academy of management perspectives 26 (3), 22-39, 2012
Exploring talent management in India: The neglected role of intrinsic rewards
WG Tymon Jr, SA Stumpf, JP Doh
Journal of World Business 45 (2), 109-121, 2010
The high impact of collaborative social initiatives
JA Pearce II, JP Doh
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2005
Separable but not equal: The location determinants of discrete services offshoring activities
JP Doh, K Bunyaratavej, ED Hahn
Journal of International Business Studies 40, 926-943, 2009
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