Daniel Wolfenzon
Daniel Wolfenzon
Nomura Professor of International Finance, Columbia University
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Corporate governance, economic entrenchment, and growth
R Morck, D Wolfenzon, B Yeung
Journal of economic literature 43 (3), 655-720, 2005
Inside the family firm: The role of families in succession decisions and performance
M Bennedsen, KM Nielsen, F Pérez-González, D Wolfenzon
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 122 (2), 647-691, 2007
Investor protection and equity markets
A Shleifer, D Wolfenzon
Journal of Financial Economics 66 (1), 3-27, 2002
A theory of pyramidal ownership and family business groups
HV Almeida, D Wolfenzon
The Journal of Finance 61 (6), 2637-2680, 2006
The balance of power in closely held corporations
M Bennedsen, D Wolfenzon
Journal of Financial Economics 58 (1-2), 113-139, 2000
Dissecting the effect of credit supply on trade: Evidence from matched credit-export data
D Paravisini, V Rappoport, P Schnabl, D Wolfenzon
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2011
Do CEOs matter? Evidence from hospitalization events
M Bennedsen, F Pérez‐González, D Wolfenzon
The Journal of Finance 75 (4), 1877-1911, 2020
The structure and formation of business groups: Evidence from Korean chaebols
H Almeida, SY Park, MG Subrahmanyam, D Wolfenzon
Journal of Financial Economics 99 (2), 447-475, 2011
Should business groups be dismantled? The equilibrium costs of efficient internal capital markets
H Almeida, D Wolfenzon
Journal of Financial Economics 79 (1), 99-144, 2006
A theory of pyramidal ownership
D Wolfenzon
Unpublished working paper. Harvard University Press: Cambridge, MA, 1999
Do firms respond to gender pay gap transparency?
M Bennedsen, E Simintzi, M Tsoutsoura, D Wolfenzon
The Journal of Finance 77 (4), 2051-2091, 2022
The investment behavior of buyout funds: Theory and evidence
A Ljungqvist, M Richardson, D Wolfenzon
Financial Management 49 (1), 3-32, 2020
Governance Problems in Closely Held Corporations
V Nagar, K Petroni, D Wolfenzon
forthcoming Journal of Financial and Quan# titative Analysis, 2010
The effect of external finance on the equilibrium allocation of capital
H Almeida, D Wolfenzon
Journal of Financial Economics 75 (1), 133-164, 2005
The governance of family firms
M Bennedsen, FP Gonzalez, D Wolfenzon
Corporate governance: A synthesis of theory, research, and practice, 371-389, 2010
Drivers of effort: Evidence from employee absenteeism
M Bennedsen, M Tsoutsoura, D Wolfenzon
Journal of Financial Economics 133 (3), 658-684, 2019
B. Yeung. 2005.“
R Morck, D Wolfenzon
Corporate Governance, Economic Entrenchment, and Growth,” Journal of …, 0
Entrepreneurship and regional windfall gains: Evidence from the Spanish Christmas lottery
VJ Bermejo, MA Ferreira, D Wolfenzon, R Zambrana
CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP14638, 2020
Gender pay gaps shrink when companies are required to disclose them
M Bennedsen, E Simintzi, M Tsoutsoura, D Wolfenzon
Harvard Business Review, 2019
Business group spillovers
SL Naaraayanan, D Wolfenzon
The Review of Financial Studies 37 (1), 231-264, 2024
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