Hector E. Nistazakis
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Performance analysis of free-space optical communication systems over atmospheric turbulence channels
HE Nistazakis, TA Tsiftsis, GS Tombras
IET communications 3 (8), 1402-1409, 2009
Average capacity of optical wireless communication systems over atmospheric turbulence channels
HE Nistazakis, EA Karagianni, AD Tsigopoulos, ME Fafalios, GS Tombras
Journal of Lightwave Technology 27 (8), 974-979, 2009
Bright-dark soliton complexes in spinor Bose-Einstein condensates
HE Nistazakis, DJ Frantzeskakis, PG Kevrekidis, BA Malomed, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 77 (3), 033612, 2008
Families of matter-waves in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates
PG Kevrekidis, HE Nistazakis, DJ Frantzeskakis, BA Malomed, ...
The European Physical Journal D-Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma …, 2004
Capacity analysis of dual amplify-and-forward relayed free-space optical communication systems over turbulence channels with pointing errors
KP Peppas, AN Stassinakis, HE Nistazakis, GS Tombras
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 5 (9), 1032-1042, 2013
On the use of wavelength and time diversity in optical wireless communication systems over gamma–gamma turbulence channels
HE Nistazakis, GS Tombras
Optics & laser technology 44 (7), 2088-2094, 2012
Performance estimation of free space optical links over negative exponential atmospheric turbulence channels
HE Nistazakis, VD Assimakopoulos, GS Tombras
Optik 122 (24), 2191-2194, 2011
Matter-wave dark solitons: stochastic versus analytical results
SP Cockburn, HE Nistazakis, TP Horikis, PG Kevrekidis, NP Proukakis, ...
Physical Review Letters 104 (17), 174101, 2010
Linearly coupled Bose-Einstein condensates: From Rabi oscillations and quasiperiodic solutions to oscillating domain walls and spiral waves
B Deconinck, PG Kevrekidis, HE Nistazakis, DJ Frantzeskakis
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 70 (6), 063605, 2004
QAM and PSK OFDM RoFSO Over -Turbulence Induced Fading Channels
HE Nistazakis, AN Stassinakis, HG Sandalidis, GS Tombras
IEEE Photonics Journal 7 (1), 1-11, 2014
SIMO optical wireless links with nonzero boresight pointing errors over M modeled turbulence channels
GK Varotsos, HE Nistazakis, MI Petkovic, GT Djordjevic, GS Tombras
Optics Communications 403, 391-400, 2017
Subcarrier PSK performance in terrestrial FSO links impaired by gamma-gamma fading, pointing errors, and phase noise
W Gappmair, HE Nistazakis
Journal of lightwave technology 35 (9), 1624-1632, 2017
A chaotic path planning generator based on logistic map and modulo tactics
L Moysis, E Petavratzis, C Volos, H Nistazakis, I Stouboulos
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 124, 103377, 2020
Static and rotating domain-wall cross patterns in Bose-Einstein condensates
BA Malomed, HE Nistazakis, DJ Frantzeskakis, PG Kevrekidis
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 70 (4), 043616, 2004
BER estimation for multi-hop RoFSO QAM or PSK OFDM communication systems over gamma gamma or exponentially modeled turbulence channels
HE Nistazakis, AN Stassinakis, SS Muhammad, GS Tombras
Optics & Laser Technology 64, 106-112, 2014
FSO links with diversity pointing errors and temporal broadening of the pulses over weak to strong atmospheric turbulence channels
GK Varotsos, HE Nistazakis, CK Volos, GS Tombras
Optik 127 (6), 3402-3409, 2016
Average capacity of optical wireless communication systems over IK atmospheric turbulence channels
KP Peppas, AN Stassinakis, GK Topalis, HE Nistazakis, GS Tombras
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 4 (12), 1026-1032, 2012
Estimation of outage capacity for free space optical links over IK and K turbulent channels
HE Nistazakis, AD Tsigopoulos, MP Hanias, CD Psychogios, D Marinos, ...
Radioengineering 20 (2), 493-498, 2011
Improving the availability of terrestrial FSO links over log normal atmospheric turbulence channels using dispersive chirped Gaussian pulses
AN Stassinakis, HE Nistazakis, KP Peppas, GS Tombras
Optics & Laser Technology 54, 329-334, 2013
Capacity estimation of optical wireless communication systems over moderate to strong turbulence channels
HE Nistazakis, GS Tombras, AD Tsigopoulos, EA Karagianni, ME Fafalios
Journal of Communications and Networks 11 (4), 384-389, 2009
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