Ulysses Fernandes Ervilha
Ulysses Fernandes Ervilha
Professor de Biomecânica, EACH, Universidade de São Paulo
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Experimental muscle pain changes motor control strategies in dynamic contractions
UF Ervilha, D Farina, L Arendt-Nielsen, T Graven-Nielsen
Experimental brain research 164, 215-224, 2005
Changes in motor unit firing rate in synergist muscles cannot explain the maintenance of force during constant force painful contractions
PW Hodges, UF Ervilha, T Graven-Nielsen
The journal of pain 9 (12), 1169-1174, 2008
Effect of load level and muscle pain intensity on the motor control of elbow-flexion movements
UF Ervilha, L Arendt-Nielsen, M Duarte, T Graven-Nielsen
European journal of applied physiology 92, 168-175, 2004
The effect of muscle pain on elbow flexion and coactivation tasks
UF Ervilha, L Arendt-Nielsen, M Duarte, T Graven-Nielsen
Experimental brain research 156, 174-182, 2004
A simple test of muscle coactivation estimation using electromyography
UF Ervilha, T Graven-Nielsen, M Duarte
Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 45, 977-981, 2012
Estudo sobre procedimentos de normalização do sinal eletromiográfico durante o movimento humano
UF Ervilha, M Duarte, AC Amadio
Rev Bras Fisiot 3 (1), 15-20, 1998
Experimental muscle pain challenges the postural stability during quiet stance and unexpected posture perturbation
RP Hirata, UF Ervilha, L Arendt-Nielsen, T Graven-Nielsen
The journal of pain 12 (8), 911-919, 2011
Biomechanical methods applied in martial arts studies
F de Moraes Fernandes, RB Wichi, VF da Silva, APX Ladeira, UF Ervilha
Journal of Morphological Sciences 28 (3), 0-0, 2017
Reaction time and muscle activation patterns in elite and novice athletes performing a taekwondo kick
UF Ervilha, FM Fernandes, CC Souza, J Hamill
Sports biomechanics 19 (5), 665-677, 2020
Relationships of the expertise level of taekwondo athletes with electromyographic, kinematic and ground reaction force performance indicators during the dollyo chagui kick
PVS Moreira, E Franchini, U Ervilha, M Goethel, A Cardozo, M Gonçalves
Arch. Budo 14, 59-69, 2018
Are muscle activation patterns altered during shod and barefoot running with a forefoot footfall pattern?
UF Ervilha, L Mochizuki, A Figueira Jr, J Hamill
Journal of Sports Sciences 35 (17), 1697-1703, 2017
The effect of gait training and exercise programs on gait and balance in post-stroke patients
L Mochizuki, A Bigongiari, PM Franciulli, JV Francica, AC Alonso, ...
MedicalExpress 2 (4), M150401, 2015
Breaking barriers: artificial intelligence interpreting the interplay between mental illness and pain as defined by the international association for the study of pain
F Parolini, M Goethel, K Becker, C Fernandes, RJ Fernandes, UF Ervilha, ...
Biomedicines 11 (7), 2042, 2023
Elite female tae kwon do athletes have faster reaction time and longer movement time than males during a striking kick
UF Ervilha1ABCD, VF da Silva3BC, RC Araújo2CD, L Mochizuki4BCDE, ...
Coordinative intra-segment indicators of karate performance
MF Goethel, UF Ervilha, PVS Moreira, V de Paula Silva, AR Bendillati, ...
Arch. Budo 15, 203-211, 2019
Using a support vector machine algorithm to classify lower-extremity EMG signals during running shod/unshod with different foot strike patterns
R Pires, T Falcari, AB Campo, BC Pulcineli, J Hamill, UF Ervilha
Journal of Applied Biomechanics 35 (1), 87-90, 2019
Semi-rigid brace and taping decrease variability of the ankle joint position sense
M Barbanera, JPB Batista, JM Ultremare, JS Iwashita, UF Ervilha
Motriz: Revista de Educação Física 20, 448-453, 2014
Aerobic training in aquatic environment improves the position sense of stroke patients: a randomized clinical trial
FAS Mazuchi, A Bigongiari, JV Francica, PM Franciulli, L Mochizuki, ...
Motriz: Revista de Educação Física 24 (01), e1018120, 2018
Estudo sobre a frequência de distribuição da cronaxia ea sua correlação com distintos graus de lesões nervosas periféricas
UF Ervilha, RC Araujo
Rev Bras Fisioter 1 (2), 45-50, 1997
Is coordination variability using vector coding different in overground and treadmill walking and running?
IS Toro, G Weir, A Amado, R Van Emmerik, U Ervilha, J Hamill
Gait & Posture 92, 413-420, 2022
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Articles 1–20