John Gialelis
John Gialelis
Applied Electronics Lab, ECE, University of Patras
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Vertical integration of enterprise industrial systems utilizing web services
AP Kalogeras, JV Gialelis, CE Alexakos, MJ Georgoudakis, SA Koubias
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 2 (2), 120-128, 2006
A modified DPWS protocol stack for 6LoWPAN-based wireless sensor networks
IK Samaras, GD Hassapis, JV Gialelis
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 9 (1), 209-217, 2012
On the detection of myocadial scar based on ECG/VCG analysis
SM Dima, C Panagiotou, EB Mazomenos, JA Rosengarten, K Maharatna, ...
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 60 (12), 3399-3409, 2013
Control architecture for reconfigurable manufacturing systems: The PABADIS'PROMISE approach
L Ferrarini, C Veber, A Luder, J Peschke, A Kalogeras, J Gialelis, J Rode, ...
2006 IEEE conference on emerging technologies and factory automation, 545-552, 2006
An integrated node for Smart-City applications based on active RFID tags; Use case on waste-bins
D Karadimas, A Papalambrou, J Gialelis, S Koubias
2016 IEEE 21st international conference on emerging technologies and factory …, 2016
Integrating wireless sensor networks into enterprise information systems by using web services
IK Samaras, JV Gialelis, GD Hassapis
2009 Third International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications …, 2009
An IOTA based distributed sensor node system
O Lamtzidis, J Gialelis
2018 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), 1-6, 2018
A versatile scalable smart waste-bin system based on resource-limited embedded devices
A Papalambrou, D Karadimas, J Gialelis, AG Voyiatzis
2015 IEEE 20th Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation …, 2015
A novel combination of distributed ledger technologies on internet of things: Use case on precision agriculture
O Lamtzidis, D Pettas, J Gialelis
Applied System Innovation 2 (3), 30, 2019
Kathodigos-a novel smart parking system based on wireless sensor network
I Samaras, N Evangeliou, A Arvanitopoulos, J Gialelis, S Koubias, A Tzes
Intelligent Transportation Systems 1, 140-145, 2013
Performance evaluation of a WSN system for distributed event detection using fuzzy logic
SM Dima, C Panagiotou, D Tsitsipis, C Antonopoulos, J Gialelis, ...
Ad Hoc Networks 23, 87-108, 2014
A fuzzy rule-based and energy-efficient method for estimating the free size of parking places in smart cities by using wireless sensor networks
I Samaras, A Arvanitopoulos, N Evangeliou, J Gialelis, S Koubias
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Emerging Technology and Factory Automation …, 2014
Imposing holistic privacy and data security on person centric eHealth monitoring infrastructures
AG Fragopoulos, J Gialelis, D Serpanos
The 12th IEEE International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications …, 2010
The Pabadis’ Promise Architecture
A Lüder, J Peschke, A Bratukhin, A Treytl, A Kalogeras, J Gialelis
Proceedings of the International Congress ANIPLA, 1091-1096, 2006
Home/building automation environment architecture enabling interoperability, flexibility and reusability
K Charatsis, AP Kalogeras, M Georgoudakis, J Gialelis, G Papadopoulos
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics …, 2005
Towards a dynamic waste collection management system using real-time and forecasted data
G Asimakopoulos, S Christodoulou, A Gizas, V Triantafillou, G Tzimas, ...
Proceedings of the 16th international conference on engineering applications …, 2015
Identifying chronic disease complications utilizing state of the art data fusion methodologies and signal processing algorithms
J Gialelis, P Chondros, D Karadimas, S Dima, D Serpanos
Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare: Second International ICST …, 2012
Decentralized Production control through ANSI/ISA-95~ based ontology and agents
M Georgoudakis, C Alexakos, A Kalogeras, J Gialelis, S Koubias
2006 IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems, 374-379, 2006
Security Framework for Pervasive Healthcare Architectures Utilizing MPEG‐21 IPMP Components
A Fragopoulos, J Gialelis, D Serpanos
International journal of telemedicine and applications 2009 (1), 461560, 2009
Detection of myocardial scar from the VCG using a supervised learning approach
C Panagiotou, SM Dima, EB Mazomenos, J Rosengarten, K Maharatna, ...
2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2013
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