Xinggang Li
Xinggang Li
Dr.Ing. of IWT - Stiftung Institut für Werkstofftechnik, Bremen, Germany
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Liver transplantation for locally advanced intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma treated with neoadjuvant therapy: a prospective case-series
KE Lunsford, M Javle, K Heyne, RT Shroff, R Abdel-Wahab, N Gupta, ...
The lancet Gastroenterology & hepatology 3 (5), 337-348, 2018
Effect of processing parameters on surface roughness, porosity and cracking of as-built IN738LC parts fabricated by laser powder bed fusion
C Guo, S Li, S Shi, X Li, X Hu, Q Zhu, RM Ward
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 285, 116788, 2020
Additive manufacturing of Ni-based superalloys: Residual stress, mechanisms of crack formation and strategies for crack inhibition
C Guo, G Li, S Li, X Hu, H Lu, X Li, Z Xu, Y Chen, Q Li, J Lu, Q Zhu
Nano Materials Science 5 (1), 53-77, 2023
Process modeling pressure-swirl-gas-atomization for metal powder production
X Li, U Fritsching
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 239, 1-17, 2017
Effect of Gd content on microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-Y-RE-Zr alloys
K Zhang, X Li, Y Li
Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 18, s12-s16, 2008
Fine spherical powder production during gas atomization of pressurized melts through melt nozzles with a small inner diameter
X Li, Q Zhu, S Shu, J Fan, S Zhang
Powder technology 356, 759-768, 2019
Hepatocellular carcinoma: a review. J Hepatocell Carcinoma. 2016; 3: 41–53
J Balogh, D Victor 3rd, EH Asham, SG Burroughs, M Boktour, A Saharia, ...
A comparative study on laser powder bed fusion of IN718 powders produced by gas atomization and plasma rotating electrode process
G Ruan, C Liu, H Qu, C Guo, G Li, X Li, Q Zhu
Materials Science and Engineering: A 850, 143589, 2022
Numerical investigation of binary droplet collisions in all relevant collision regimes
X Li, U Fritsching
The Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows 3 (4), 207-224, 2011
Population-based surveillance of extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis in Shandong Province, China
X Li, H Wang, H Jing, Y Wang, C Yu, J Wang, Z Liu, EA Graviss, X Ma
The International journal of tuberculosis and lung disease 16 (5), 612-614, 2012
Simulation of droplet-formation and-interaction in emulsification processes
F Krause, X Li, U Fritsching
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 5 (3), 406-415, 2011
Characterization of cooling rate and microstructure of CuSn melt droplet in drop on demand process
XU Yi, N Ellendt, X Li, V Uhlenwinkel, U Fritsching
Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 27 (7), 1636-1644, 2017
Design of friction and wear resistant titanium-and cobalt-modified nickel-base repair alloys by spray forming
H Yin, Y Xu, X Li, W Chang, Y Zhou
Materials & Design 116, 403-410, 2017
Spray systems
U Fritsching, X Li
Multiphase Flow Handbook, 1091-1250, 2016
Multiscale descriptions of particle-droplet interactions in multiphase spray processing
X Li, L Heisterüber, L Achelis, U Fritsching
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 80, 15-28, 2016
First Results of Characterization of 9Cr-3WVTiTaN Low Activation Ferritic/Martensitic Steel
X Li, Q Yan, R Ma, H Wang, C Ge
Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International 17 (5), 57-62, 2010
Numerical investigation on flow process of liquid metals in melt delivery nozzle during gas atomization process for fine metal powder production
LIU Chang, LI Xin, SHU Shi, Y Huang, X Li, ZHU Qiang
Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 31 (10), 3192-3204, 2021
Vascularized composite allotransplantation research: the emerging field
B Pomahac, YT Becker, L Cendales, ST Ildstad, X Li, S Schneeberger, ...
American Journal of Transplantation 12 (4), 1062-1063, 2012
Spray process modeling in metal matrix composite powder production
X Li, L Heisteruber, L Achelis, V Uhlenwinkel, F Udo
Atomization and Sprays 21 (11), 933-948, 2011
Effects of hot processes on microstructure evolution and tensile properties of FGH4096 Ni-based superalloy processed by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Z Hao, T Tian, X Li, Y Huang, S Peng, Q Zhu, C Ge
Materials Science and Engineering: A 804, 140775, 2021
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