Constantin Christof
Constantin Christof
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Optimal control of a non-smooth semilinear elliptic equation
C Christof, C Clason, C Meyer, S Walther
Mathematical Control and Related Fields 8 (1), 247-276, 2018
Sensitivity analysis and optimal control of obstacle-type evolution variational inequalities
C Christof
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 57 (1), 192-218, 2019
No-gap second-order conditions via a directional curvature functional
C Christof, G Wachsmuth
SIAM Journal on Optimization 28 (3), 2097-2130, 2018
A nonsmooth trust-region method for locally Lipschitz functions with application to optimization problems constrained by variational inequalities
C Christof, JC De los Reyes, C Meyer
SIAM Journal on Optimization 30 (3), 2163-2196, 2020
Differential sensitivity analysis of variational inequalities with locally Lipschitz continuous solution operators
C Christof, G Wachsmuth
Applied Mathematics & Optimization 81 (1), 23-62, 2020
Sensitivity analysis of elliptic variational inequalities of the first and the second kind
C Christof
PhD Thesis, 2018
Multiobjective optimal control of a non-smooth semilinear elliptic partial differential equation
C Christof, G Müller
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 27, S13, 2021
New regularity results and finite element error estimates for a class of parabolic optimal control problems with pointwise state constraints
C Christof, B Vexler
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 27, 4, 2021
On second-order optimality conditions for optimal control problems governed by the obstacle problem
C Christof, G Wachsmuth
Optimization 70 (10), 2247-2287, 2021
Sensitivity Analysis for a Class of -Elliptic Variational Inequalities of the Second Kind
C Christof, C Meyer
Set-Valued and Variational Analysis 27, 469-502, 2019
On the Non‐Polyhedricity of Sets with Upper and Lower Bounds in Dual Spaces
C Christof, G Wachsmuth
GAMM‐Mitteilungen 40 (4), 339-350, 2018
Differentiability properties of the solution operator to an elliptic variational inequality of the second kind
C Christof, C Meyer
Technische Universität Dortmund, Fakultät für Mathematik, 2015
A note on a priori -error estimates for the obstacle problem
C Christof, C Meyer
Numerische Mathematik 139, 27-45, 2018
-error estimates for the obstacle problem revisited
C Christof
Calcolo 54 (4), 1243-1264, 2017
Finite element error estimates in non-energy norms for the two-dimensional scalar Signorini problem
C Christof, C Haubner
Numerische Mathematik 145, 513-551, 2020
Gradient-based solution algorithms for a class of bilevel optimization and optimal control problems with a nonsmooth lower level
C Christof
SIAM Journal on Optimization 30 (1), 290-318, 2020
Strong stationarity conditions for optimal control problems governed by a rate-independent evolution variational inequality
M Brokate, C Christof
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 61 (4), 2222-2250, 2023
Semismoothness for solution operators of obstacle-type variational inequalities with applications in optimal control
C Christof, G Wachsmuth
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 61 (3), 1162-1186, 2023
On the omnipresence of spurious local minima in certain neural network training problems
C Christof, J Kowalczyk
Constructive Approximation, 1-28, 2023
A note on the equivalence and the boundary behavior of a class of Sobolev capacities
C Christof, G Müller
GAMM‐Mitteilungen 40 (3), 238-266, 2018
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