Petar Jerčić
Petar Jerčić
PostDoc position, Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) Austria
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Integrating biosignals into information systems: A NeuroIS tool for improving emotion regulation
PJ Astor, MTP Adam, P Jerčić, K Schaaff, C Weinhardt
Journal of Management Information Systems 30 (3), 247-278, 2013
Evaluating classifiers for emotion recognition using EEG
AT Sohaib, S Qureshi, J Hagelbäck, O Hilborn, P Jerčić
Foundations of Augmented Cognition: 7th International Conference, AC 2013 …, 2013
A serious game using physiological interfaces for emotion regulation training in the context of financial decision-making
P Jerčić, PJ Astor, M Adam, O Hilborn, K Schaff, C Lindley, C Sennersten, ...
20th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2012), Barcelona, 1-14, 2012
Modeling cognitive load and physiological arousal through pupil diameter and heart rate
P Jerčić, C Sennersten, C Lindley
Multimedia Tools and Applications 79 (5), 3145-3159, 2020
Practicing emotion-regulation through biofeedback on the decision-making performance in the context of serious games: A systematic review
P Jerčić, V Sundstedt
Entertainment Computing 29, 75-86, 2019
Assessing emotional responses induced in virtual reality using a consumer EEG headset: A preliminary report
M Horvat, M Dobrinić, M Novosel, P Jerčić
2018 41st International Convention on Information and Communication …, 2018
The effect of emotions and social behavior on performance in a collaborative serious game between humans and autonomous robots
P Jerčić, W Wen, J Hagelbäck, V Sundstedt
International Journal of Social Robotics 10 (1), 115-129, 2018
An affective serious game for collaboration between humans and robots
P Jerčić, J Hagelbäck, C Lindley
Entertainment Computing 32, 100319, 2019
The effects of stress mindset, manipulated through serious game intervention, on performance and situation awareness of elite female football players in the context of a match …
ARM Cnossen, BM Maarsingh, P Jerčić, I Rosier
Games for health journal 12 (2), 158-167, 2023
Psychophysiological interaction and empathic cognition for human-robot cooperative work (PsyIntEC)
J Hagelbäck, O Hilborn, P Jerčić, SJ Johansson, CA Lindley, J Svensson, ...
Gearing up and accelerating cross‐fertilization between academic and …, 2014
Arousal measurement reflected in the pupil diameter for a decision-making performance in serious games
P Jerčić
Joint International Conference on Entertainment Computing and Serious Games …, 2019
What could the baseline measurements predict about decision-making performance in serious games set in the financial context
P Jerčić
2019 11th International Conference on Virtual Worlds and Games for Serious …, 2019
The Effects of Emotions and Their Regulation on Decision-making Performance in Affective Serious Games
P Jerčić
Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, 2019
Physiological Affect and Performance in a Collaborative Serious Game Between Humans and an Autonomous Robot
P Jerčić, J Hagelbäck, C Lindley
International Conference on Entertainment Computing, 127-138, 2018
A survey on usage of multimedia databases for emotion elicitation: A quantitative report on how content diversity can improve performance
M Horvat, P Jerčić
2023 46th MIPRO ICT and Electronics Convention (MIPRO), 1148-1154, 2023
xDelia final report: emotion-centred financial decision making and learning
G Peffer, M Fenton-O'Creevy, M Adam, P Astor, H Cederholm, G Clough, ...
Open University, CIMNE, 2012
Evaluating Games Designed to Improve Financial Capability
G Peffer, H Cederholm, G Clough, P Jerčić
Proceedings of 9th European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL’2010), 808-811, 2010
Design and Evaluation of Affective Serious Games for Emotion Regulation Training
P Jerčić
Blekinge Institute of Technology, 2013
xDelia: D18-2.4. 2 Learning Intervention Package-Development and Evaluation (Year 3)
M Fenton-O'Creevy, M Gaved, P Astor, H Cederholm, G Davies, ...
xDelia Consortium, 2012
The Future of Brain-Computer Interface for Games and Interaction Design
P Jerčić, H Cederholm
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