Joonwoo Son
Joonwoo Son
DGIST (Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology)
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Classification of a Driver's cognitive workload levels using artificial neural network on ECG signals
A Tjolleng, K Jung, W Hong, W Lee, B Lee, H You, J Son, S Park
Applied ergonomics 59, 326-332, 2017
The effect of age, gender and roadway environment on the acceptance and effectiveness of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
J Son, M Park, BB Park
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 31, 12-24, 2015
Age and cross-cultural comparison of drivers’ cognitive workload and performance in simulated urban driving
J Son, B Reimer, B Mehler, AE Pohlmeyer, KM Godfrey, J Orszulak, ...
International Journal of Automotive Technology 11, 533-539, 2010
Impact of traffic environment and cognitive workload on older drivers’ behavior in simulated driving
J Son, Y Lee, MH Kim
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing 12, 135-141, 2011
Implementation of road traffic signs detection based on saliency map model
WJ Won, M Lee, JW Son
2008 IEEE intelligent vehicles symposium, 542-547, 2008
Analysis of three independent real-world driving studies: A data driven and expert analysis approach to determining parameters affecting fuel economy
S Birrell, J Taylor, A McGordon, J Son, P Jennings
Transportation research part D: transport and environment 33, 74-86, 2014
Relationships between Driving Style and Fuel Consumption in Highway Driving
T Lee, J Son
16th Asia Pacific Automotive Engineering Conference, 2011
Situation awareness and transitions in highly automated driving a framework and mini-review
JW Son, MO Park
Journal of Ergonomics, 2017
Identification of driver cognitive workload using support vector machines with driving performance, physiology and eye movement in a driving simulator
J Son, H Oh, M Park
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing 14, 1321-1327, 2013
Impact of cognitive workload on physiological arousal and performance in younger and older drivers
J Son, B Mehler, T Lee, Y Park, J Coughlin, B Reimer
Driving Assessment Conference 6 (2011), 2011
On-road assessment of in-vehicle driving workload for older drivers: Design guidelines for intelligent vehicles
MH Kim, J Son
International journal of automotive technology 12, 265-272, 2011
Age-related physical and emotional characteristics to safety warning sounds: design guidelines for intelligent vehicles
MH Kim, YT Lee, J Son
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and …, 2010
Detection of cognitive and visual distraction using radial basis probabilistic neural networks
J Son, M Park
International Journal of Automotive Technology 19, 935-940, 2018
Estimating cognitive load complexity using performance and physiological data in a driving simulator
J Son, M Park
Adjunct Proceedings of the Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive …, 2011
Comparative study between Korea and UK: Relationship between driving style and real-world fuel consumption
J Son, M Park, K Won, Y Kim, S Son, A McGordon, P Jennings, S Birrell
International Journal of Automotive Technology 17, 175-181, 2016
Cognitive workload estimation through lateral driving performance
J Son, S Park
16th Asia Pacific Automotive Engineering Conference, 2011
The effects of distraction type and difficulty on older drivers’ performance and behaviour: visual vs. cognitive
J Son, M Park
International journal of automotive technology 22, 97-108, 2021
Reference test scenarios for assessing the safety of take-over in a conditionally autonomous vehicle
M Park, J Son
Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers 27 (4), 309-317, 2019
Automotive Embedded System Software Development and Validation with AUTOSAR and Model-based Approach
DH Kum, JK Son, MJ Kim, JW Son
Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems 13 (12), 1179-1185, 2007
Automated testing for automotive embedded systems
DH Kum, J Son, S Lee, I Wilson
2006 SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference, 4414-4418, 2006
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