Yi Liu
Yi Liu
Guangdong University of Technology; University of Florida
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Cited by
Intelligent edge computing for IoT-based energy management in smart cities
Y Liu, C Yang, L Jiang, S Xie, Y Zhang
IEEE network 33 (2), 111-117, 2019
Deep reinforcement learning for offloading and resource allocation in vehicle edge computing and networks
Y Liu, H Yu, S Xie, Y Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 68 (11), 11158-11168, 2019
Cognitive machine-to-machine communications: Visions and potentials for the smart grid
Y Zhang, R Yu, M Nekovee, Y Liu, S Xie, S Gjessing
IEEE network 26 (3), 6-13, 2012
Peak-to-average ratio constrained demand-side management with consumer's preference in residential smart grid
Y Liu, C Yuen, S Huang, NU Hassan, X Wang, S Xie
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 8 (6), 1084-1097, 2014
Efficient mobility-aware task offloading for vehicular edge computing networks
C Yang, Y Liu, X Chen, W Zhong, S Xie
IEEE Access 7, 26652-26664, 2019
Design of a scalable hybrid MAC protocol for heterogeneous M2M networks
Y Liu, C Yuen, X Cao, NU Hassan, J Chen
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 1 (1), 99-111, 2014
A parallel cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks
S Xie, Y Liu, Y Zhang, R Yu
IEEE transactions on vehicular technology 59 (8), 4079-4092, 2010
Electricity cost minimization for a microgrid with distributed energy resource under different information availability
Y Liu, C Yuen, NU Hassan, S Huang, R Yu, S Xie
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 62 (4), 2571-2583, 2014
Queuing-based energy consumption management for heterogeneous residential demands in smart grid
Y Liu, C Yuen, R Yu, Y Zhang, S Xie
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 7 (3), 1650-1659, 2015
PHEV charging and discharging cooperation in V2G networks: A coalition game approach
R Yu, J Ding, W Zhong, Y Liu, S Xie
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 1 (6), 578-589, 2014
Auction mechanisms for energy trading in multi-energy systems
W Zhong, K Xie, Y Liu, C Yang, S Xie
IEEE Transactions on industrial informatics 14 (4), 1511-1521, 2017
Integrated energy and spectrum harvesting for 5G wireless communications
Y Liu, Y Zhang, R Yu, S Xie
IEEE Network 29 (3), 75-81, 2015
A scalable hybrid MAC protocol for massive M2M networks
Y Liu, C Yuen, J Chen, X Cao
2013 IEEE wireless communications and networking conference (WCNC), 250-255, 2013
Topology-aware vehicle-to-grid energy trading for active distribution systems
W Zhong, K Xie, Y Liu, C Yang, S Xie
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 10 (2), 2137-2147, 2018
Secondary users cooperation in cognitive radio networks: balancing sensing accuracy and efficiency
R Yu, Y Zhang, L Yi, S Xie, L Song, M Guizani
IEEE Wireless Communications 19 (2), 30-37, 2012
An efficient MAC protocol with selective grouping and cooperative sensing in cognitive radio networks
Y Liu, S Xie, R Yu, Y Zhang, C Yuen
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 62 (8), 3928-3941, 2013
Securing cognitive radio networks against primary user emulation attacks
R Yu, Y Zhang, Y Liu, S Gjessing, M Guizani
IEEE Network 29 (4), 68-74, 2015
CachinMobile: An energy-efficient users caching scheme for fog computing
S Wang, X Huang, Y Liu, R Yu
2016 IEEE/CIC international conference on communications in China (ICCC), 1-6, 2016
Securing cognitive radio networks against primary user emulation attacks
R Yu, Y Zhang, Y Liu, S Gjessing, M Guizani
IEEE Network 30 (6), 62-69, 2016
An Efficient MAC Protocol with Adaptive Energy Harvesting for Machine-to-Machine Networks
Y Liu, Z Yang, R Yu, Y Xiang, S Xie
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Articles 1–20