Juan Sequeda
Juan Sequeda
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Knowledge graphs
A Hogan, E Blomqvist, M Cochez, C d’Amato, GD Melo, C Gutierrez, ...
ACM Computing Surveys (Csur) 54 (4), 1-37, 2021
A survey of current approaches for mapping of relational databases to rdf
SS Sahoo, W Halb, S Hellmann, K Idehen, S Auer, J Sequeda, A Ezzat
W3C RDB2RDF XG Incubator Report, 2009
A Direct Mapping of Relational Data to RDF
M Arenas, A Bertails, E Prud, J Sequeda
W3C Recommendation, 2012
Accessing Relational Databases as Resource Description Framework Databases
DP Miranker, JF Sequeda
US Patent 8,719,252, 2014
Ultrawrap: SPARQL execution on relational data
JF Sequeda, DP Miranker
Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web 22, 19-39, 2013
G-CORE: A core for future graph query languages
R Angles, M Arenas, P Barceló, P Boncz, G Fletcher, C Gutierrez, ...
Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Management of Data, 1421 …, 2018
The future is big graphs: a community view on graph processing systems
S Sakr, A Bonifati, H Voigt, A Iosup, K Ammar, R Angles, W Aref, M Arenas, ...
Communications of the ACM 64 (9), 62-71, 2021
On Directly Mapping Relational Databases to RDF and OWL
JF Sequeda, M Arenas, DP Miranker
World Wide Web Conference, 649-658, 2012
Translating SQL applications to the Semantic Web
S Tirmizi, J Sequeda, D Miranker
Database and Expert Systems Applications, 450-464, 2008
Formalisation and experiences of R2RML-based SPARQL to SQL query translation using morph
F Priyatna, O Corcho, J Sequeda
Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on World wide web, 479-490, 2014
Knowledge graphs
C Gutierrez, JF Sequeda
Communications of the ACM 64 (3), 96-104, 2021
NoSQL databases for RDF: an empirical evaluation
P Cudré-Mauroux, I Enchev, S Fundatureanu, P Groth, A Haque, A Harth, ...
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2013: 12th International Semantic Web Conference …, 2013
Survey of Directly Mapping SQL Databases to the Semantic Web
JF Sequeda, SH Tirmizi, O Corcho, DP Miranker
The Knowledge Engineering Review 26 (04), 445-486, 2011
Ultrawrap: Using SQL Views for RDB2RDF
JF Sequeda, R Depena, DP Miranker
ISWC 2009 Posters & Demonstrations Track, 2009
Linked Stream Data: A position paper
JF Sequeda, O Corcho
2nd Semantic Sensor Network Workshop, 2009
System for accessing a relational database using semantic queries
DP Miranker, JF Sequeda
US Patent 9,396,283, 2016
SQL Databases are a Moving Target
JF Sequeda, SH Tirmizi, DP Miranker
Position Paper for W3C Workshop on RDF Access to Relational Databases …, 2007
Knowledge graphs: introduction, history and, perspectives
V Chaudhri, C Baru, N Chittar, X Dong, M Genesereth, J Hendler, ...
AI Magazine 43 (1), 17-29, 2022
System for accessing a relational database using semantic queries
DP Miranker, JF Sequeda
US Patent 10,216,860, 2019
Direct mapping SQL databases to the semantic web: A survey
JF Sequeda, SH Tirmizi, O Corcho, DP Miranker
Univeristy of Texas, Department of Computer Sciecnces Technical Report TR-09-04, 2009
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