Jan Engelhardt
Jan Engelhardt
Professorship for Bioinformatics, University of Leipzig
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Cited by
Cited by
Ecological plant epigenetics: Evidence from model and non‐model species, and the way forward
CL Richards, C Alonso, C Becker, O Bossdorf, E Bucher, ...
Ecology letters 20 (12), 1576-1590, 2017
Genomic organization of eukaryotic tRNAs
C Bermudez-Santana, CSO Attolini, T Kirsten, J Engelhardt, SJ Prohaska, ...
BMC genomics 11, 1-14, 2010
Recent advances in RNA folding
J Fallmann, S Will, J Engelhardt, B Grüning, R Backofen, PF Stadler
Journal of biotechnology 261, 97-104, 2017
The helicase aquarius/EMB-4 is required to overcome intronic barriers to allow nuclear RNAi pathways to heritably silence transcription
A Akay, T Di Domenico, KM Suen, A Nabih, GE Parada, M Larance, ...
Developmental cell 42 (3), 241-255. e6, 2017
The genome and population genomics of allopolyploid Coffea arabica reveal the diversification history of modern coffee cultivars
J Salojärvi, A Rambani, Z Yu, R Guyot, S Strickler, M Lepelley, C Wang, ...
Nature genetics 56 (4), 721-731, 2024
RNA-bioinformatics: tools, services and databases for the analysis of RNA-based regulation
R Backofen, J Engelhardt, A Erxleben, J Fallmann, B Grüning, U Ohler, ...
Journal of biotechnology 261, 76-84, 2017
A novel method to analyze 5-hydroxymethylcytosine in CpG sequences using maintenance DNA methyltransferase, DNMT1
S Takahashi, I Suetake, J Engelhardt, S Tajima
FEBS open bio 5, 741-747, 2015
LocARNAscan: Incorporating thermodynamic stability in sequence and structure-based RNA homology search
S Will, MF Siebauer, S Heyne, J Engelhardt, PF Stadler, K Reiche, ...
Algorithms for Molecular Biology 8, 1-11, 2013
Protein-coding structured RNAs: A computational survey of conserved RNA secondary structures overlapping coding regions in drosophilids
S Findeiß, J Engelhardt, SJ Prohaska, PF Stadler
Biochimie 93 (11), 2019-2023, 2011
Evolution of the unspliced transcriptome
J Engelhardt, PF Stadler
BMC evolutionary biology 15, 1-13, 2015
Evolution of DNA methylation across ecdysozoa
J Engelhardt, O Scheer, PF Stadler, SJ Prohaska
Journal of molecular evolution 90 (1), 56-72, 2022
MEIOZORES 2019-exploring the marine meiofauna of the Azores
K Jörger, JL Norenburg
Açoreana, 2021
Hidden treasures in unspliced EST data
J Engelhardt, PF Stadler
Theory in Biosciences 131, 49-57, 2012
CL Richards, C Alonso, C Becker, O Bossdorf, E Bucher, ...
Döring, A., Grosse, I., Van Gurp, TP, Heer, K., Kronholm, I., Lampei, C …, 0
Introducing evolutionary biologists to the analysis of big data: guidelines to organize extended bioinformatics training courses
R Faria, D Triant, A Perdomo-Sabogal, B Overduin, C Bleidorn, ...
Evolution: Education and Outreach 11 (1), 1-10, 2018
Evolution of 3'UTR-associated RNAs
J Engelhardt, PF Stadler
BMC Bioinformatics 16 (Suppl 8), A7, 2015
Exposure to 3, 3′, 4, 4′, 5-Pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB126) Causes Widespread DNA Hypomethylation in Adult Zebrafish Testis
N Aluru, J Engelhardt
Toxicological Sciences 188 (1), 75-87, 2022
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Articles 1–17