Nick Turner
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Cited by
Modeling the antecedents of proactive behavior at work.
SK Parker, HM Williams, N Turner
Journal of applied psychology 91 (3), 636, 2006
Transformational leadership and psychological well-being: the mediating role of meaningful work.
KA Arnold, N Turner, J Barling, EK Kelloway, MC McKee
Journal of occupational health psychology 12 (3), 193, 2007
Predicting workplace aggression: a meta-analysis.
MS Hershcovis, N Turner, J Barling, KA Arnold, KE Dupré, M Inness, ...
Journal of applied Psychology 92 (1), 228, 2007
Transformational leadership and moral reasoning.
N Turner, J Barling, O Epitropaki, V Butcher, C Milner
Journal of applied Psychology 87 (2), 304, 2002
Transformational leadership and employee psychological well-being: The mediating role of employee trust in leadership
EK Kelloway, N Turner, J Barling, C Loughlin
Work & Stress 26 (1), 39-55, 2012
Designing a safer workplace: importance of job autonomy, communication quality, and supportive supervisors.
SK Parker, CM Axtell, N Turner
Journal of occupational health psychology 6 (3), 211, 2001
Positive psychology at work
N Turner, J Barling, A Zacharatos
Handbook of positive psychology 52, 715-728, 2002
Perceived organizational support for safety and employee safety voice: the mediating role of coworker support for safety.
S Tucker, N Chmiel, N Turner, MS Hershcovis, CB Stride
Journal of occupational health psychology 13 (4), 319, 2008
Understanding supervisor-targeted aggression: A within-person, between-jobs design.
M Inness, J Barling, N Turner
Journal of applied Psychology 90 (4), 731, 2005
Pseudo-transformational leadership: Towards the development and test of a model
J Barling, A Christie, N Turner
Journal of Business Ethics 81, 851-861, 2008
Transformational leadership and leader moral orientation: Contrasting an ethic of justice and an ethic of care
SK Simola, J Barling, N Turner
The leadership quarterly 21 (1), 179-188, 2010
Transformational leadership and employee safety performance: a within-person, between-jobs design.
M Inness, N Turner, J Barling, CB Stride
Journal of occupational health psychology 15 (3), 279, 2010
Proactively performing teams: The role of work design, transformational leadership, and team composition
HM Williams, SK Parker, N Turner
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 83 (2), 301-324, 2010
Leading well: Transformational leadership and well‐being
N Sivanathan, KA Arnold, N Turner, J Barling
Positive psychology in practice, 241-255, 2004
Transformational leadership and leaders’ mode of care reasoning
S Simola, J Barling, N Turner
Journal of business ethics 108 (2), 229-237, 2012
Virtual teams: Collaborating across distance
CM Axtell, SJ Fleck, N Turner
International review of industrial and organizational psychology 19, 205-248, 2004
Perceived dissimilarity and perspective taking within work teams
HM Williams, SK Parker, N Turner
Group & Organization Management 32 (5), 569-597, 2007
Job Demands–Control–Support model and employee safety performance
N Turner, CB Stride, AJ Carter, D McCaughey, AE Carroll
Accident Analysis & Prevention 45, 811-817, 2012
Pseudo‐Transformational Leadership: Model Specification and Outcomes1
A Christie, J Barling, N Turner
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 41 (12), 2943-2984, 2011
Apologies and transformational leadership
S Tucker, N Turner, J Barling, EM Reid, C Elving
Journal of business ethics 63, 195-207, 2006
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Articles 1–20