Peter Schauß
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Zitiert von
Exploring the many-body localization transition in two dimensions
J Choi, S Hild, J Zeiher, P Schauß, A Rubio-Abadal, T Yefsah, V Khemani, ...
Science 352 (6293), 1547-1552, 2016
Light-cone-like spreading of correlations in a quantum many-body system
M Cheneau, P Barmettler, D Poletti, M Endres, P Schauß, T Fukuhara, ...
Nature 481 (7382), 484-487, 2012
Single-spin addressing in an atomic Mott insulator
C Weitenberg, M Endres, JF Sherson, M Cheneau, P Schauß, T Fukuhara, ...
Nature 471 (7338), 319-324, 2011
Observation of spatially ordered structures in a two-dimensional Rydberg gas
P Schauß, M Cheneau, M Endres, T Fukuhara, S Hild, A Omran, T Pohl, ...
Nature 491 (7422), 87-91, 2012
Quantum dynamics of a mobile spin impurity
T Fukuhara, A Kantian, M Endres, M Cheneau, P Schauß, S Hild, ...
Nature Physics 9 (4), 235-241, 2013
Microscopic observation of magnon bound states and their dynamics
T Fukuhara, P Schauß, M Endres, S Hild, M Cheneau, I Bloch, C Gross
Nature 502 (7469), 76-79, 2013
The 'Higgs' amplitude mode at the two-dimensional superfluid/Mott insulator transition
M Endres, T Fukuhara, D Pekker, M Cheneau, P Schauß, C Gross, ...
Nature 487 (7408), 454-458, 2012
Many-body interferometry of a Rydberg-dressed spin lattice
J Zeiher, R van Bijnen, P Schauß, S Hild, J Choi, T Pohl, I Bloch, C Gross
Nature Physics, doi:10.1038/nphys3835, 2016
Observation of correlated particle-hole pairs and string order in low-dimensional Mott insulators
M Endres, M Cheneau, T Fukuhara, C Weitenberg, P Schauss, C Gross, ...
Science 334 (6053), 200-203, 2011
Crystallization in Ising quantum magnets
P Schauß, J Zeiher, T Fukuhara, S Hild, M Cheneau, T Macrì, T Pohl, ...
Science 347 (6229), 1455-1458, 2015
Bad metallic transport in a cold atom Fermi-Hubbard system
PT Brown, D Mitra, E Guardado-Sanchez, R Nourafkan, A Reymbaut, ...
Science 363 (6425), 379-382, 2019
Far-from-equilibrium spin transport in Heisenberg quantum magnets
S Hild, T Fukuhara, P Schauß, J Zeiher, M Knap, E Demler, I Bloch, ...
Physical review letters 113 (14), 147205, 2014
Probing the Quench Dynamics of Antiferromagnetic Correlations in a 2D Quantum Ising Spin System
E Guardado-Sanchez, PT Brown, D Mitra, T Devakul, DA Huse, P Schauß, ...
Phys. Rev. X, 021069, 2018
Spin-imbalance in a 2D Fermi-Hubbard system
PT Brown, D Mitra, E Guardado-Sanchez, P Schauß, SS Kondov, ...
Science 357 (6358), 1385-1388, 2017
Microscopic characterization of scalable coherent Rydberg superatoms
J Zeiher, P Schauß, S Hild, T Macrì, I Bloch, C Gross
Physical Review X 5 (3), 031015, 2015
Spatially resolved detection of a spin-entanglement wave in a Bose-Hubbard chain
T Fukuhara, S Hild, J Zeiher, P Schauß, I Bloch, M Endres, C Gross
Physical review letters 115 (3), 035302, 2015
Quantum gas microscopy of an attractive Fermi–Hubbard system
D Mitra, PT Brown, E Guardado-Sanchez, SS Kondov, T Devakul, ...
Nature Physics 14 (2), 173-177, 2018
Quench dynamics of a Fermi gas with strong nonlocal interactions
E Guardado-Sanchez, BM Spar, P Schauss, R Belyansky, JT Young, ...
Physical Review X 11 (2), 021036, 2021
Single-site-and single-atom-resolved measurement of correlation functions
M Endres, M Cheneau, T Fukuhara, C Weitenberg, P Schauß, C Gross, ...
Applied Physics B 113, 27-39, 2013
Quantum simulation of transverse Ising models with Rydberg atoms
P Schauss
Quantum Science and Technology 3 (2), 023001, 2018
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