The visual word form area and the frequency with which words are encountered: evidence from a parametric fMRI study M Kronbichler, F Hutzler, H Wimmer, A Mair, W Staffen, G Ladurner Neuroimage 21 (3), 946-953, 2004 | 400 | 2004 |
Eye movements of dyslexic children when reading in a regular orthography F Hutzler, H Wimmer Brain and language 89 (1), 235-242, 2004 | 313 | 2004 |
The coupling of emotion and cognition in the eye: Introducing the pupil old/new effect MLH Võ, AM Jacobs, L Kuchinke, M Hofmann, M Conrad, A Schacht, ... Psychophysiology 45 (1), 130-140, 2008 | 283 | 2008 |
Developmental dyslexia: gray matter abnormalities in the occipitotemporal cortex M Kronbichler, H Wimmer, W Staffen, F Hutzler, A Mair, G Ladurner Human brain mapping 29 (5), 613-625, 2008 | 249 | 2008 |
Reverse inference is not a fallacy per se: Cognitive processes can be inferred from functional imaging data F Hutzler Neuroimage 84, 1061-1069, 2014 | 224 | 2014 |
Perhaps correlational but not causal: No effect of dyslexic readers’ magnocellular system on their eye movements during reading F Hutzler, M Kronbichler, AM Jacobs, H Wimmer Neuropsychologia 44 (4), 637-648, 2006 | 194 | 2006 |
Taxi vs. taksi: on orthographic word recognition in the left ventral occipitotemporal cortex M Kronbichler, J Bergmann, F Hutzler, W Staffen, A Mair, G Ladurner, ... Journal of cognitive neuroscience 19 (10), 1584-1594, 2007 | 187 | 2007 |
Evidence for a dysfunction of left posterior reading areas in German dyslexic readers M Kronbichler, F Hutzler, W Staffen, A Mair, G Ladurner, H Wimmer Neuropsychologia 44 (10), 1822-1832, 2006 | 182 | 2006 |
Alpha and beta band power changes in normal and dyslexic children W Klimesch, M Doppelmayr, H Wimmer, W Gruber, D Röhm, J Schwaiger, ... Clinical Neurophysiology 112 (7), 1186-1195, 2001 | 165 | 2001 |
Dyslexia: Verbal impairments in the absence of magnocellular impairments M Kronbichler, F Hutzler, H Wimmer Neuroreport 13 (5), 617-620, 2002 | 163 | 2002 |
Do current connectionist learning models account for reading development in different languages? F Hutzler, JC Ziegler, C Perry, H Wimmer, M Zorzi Cognition 91 (3), 273-296, 2004 | 156 | 2004 |
Systematic influence of gaze position on pupil size measurement: analysis and correction B Gagl, S Hawelka, F Hutzler Behavior research methods 43, 1171-1181, 2011 | 152 | 2011 |
Style follows content: On the microgenesis of art perception MD Augustin, H Leder, F Hutzler, CC Carbon Acta psychologica 128 (1), 127-138, 2008 | 148 | 2008 |
Words in context: The effects of length, frequency, and predictability on brain responses during natural reading S Schuster, S Hawelka, F Hutzler, M Kronbichler, F Richlan Cerebral Cortex 26 (10), 3889-3904, 2016 | 133 | 2016 |
Pseudohomophone effects provide evidence of early lexico‐phonological processing in visual word recognition M Braun, F Hutzler, JC Ziegler, M Dambacher, AM Jacobs Human brain mapping 30 (7), 1977-1989, 2009 | 132 | 2009 |
Welcome to the real world: Validating fixation-related brain potentials for ecologically valid settings F Hutzler, M Braun, MLH Võ, V Engl, M Hofmann, M Dambacher, H Leder, ... Brain research 1172, 124-129, 2007 | 128 | 2007 |
Inhibitory effects of first syllable-frequency in lexical decision: an event-related potential study F Hutzler, J Bergmann, M Conrad, M Kronbichler, P Stenneken, ... Neuroscience Letters 372 (3), 179-184, 2004 | 110 | 2004 |
Theta band power changes in normal and dyslexic children W Klimesch, M Doppelmayr, H Wimmer, J Schwaiger, D Röhm, W Gruber, ... Clinical Neurophysiology 112 (7), 1174-1185, 2001 | 106 | 2001 |
Model-generated lexical activity predicts graded ERP amplitudes in lexical decision M Braun, AM Jacobs, A Hahne, B Ricker, M Hofmann, F Hutzler Brain Research 1073, 431-439, 2006 | 105 | 2006 |
The neural time course of art perception: An ERP study on the processing of style versus content in art MD Augustin, B Defranceschi, HK Fuchs, CC Carbon, F Hutzler Neuropsychologia 49 (7), 2071-2081, 2011 | 85 | 2011 |