Min Li
Min Li
Machine learning scientist, Apple Inc
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Cited by
Sparkbench: a comprehensive benchmarking suite for in memory data analytic platform spark
M Li, J Tan, Y Wang, L Zhang, V Salapura
Proceedings of the 12th ACM international conference on computing frontiers, 1-8, 2015
Mronline: Mapreduce online performance tuning
M Li, L Zeng, S Meng, J Tan, L Zhang, AR Butt, N Fuller
Proceedings of the 23rd international symposium on High-performance parallel …, 2014
Functional partitioning to optimize end-to-end performance on many-core architectures
M Li, SS Vazhkudai, AR Butt, F Meng, X Ma, Y Kim, C Engelmann, ...
SC'10: Proceedings of the 2010 ACM/IEEE International Conference for High …, 2010
HydraDB: a resilient RDMA-driven key-value middleware for in-memory cluster computing
Y Wang, L Zhang, J Tan, M Li, Y Gao, X Guerin, X Meng, S Meng
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing …, 2015
?-diagnosis: Unsupervised and real-time diagnosis of small-window long-tail latency in large-scale microservice platforms
H Shan, Y Chen, H Liu, Y Zhang, X Xiao, X He, M Li, W Ding
The World Wide Web Conference, 3215-3222, 2019
Provisioning a multi-tiered data staging area for extreme-scale machines
R Prabhakar, SS Vazhkudai, Y Kim, AR Butt, M Li, M Kandemir
2011 31st International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, 1-12, 2011
Multilingual large language model: A survey of resources, taxonomy and frontiers
L Qin, Q Chen, Y Zhou, Z Chen, Y Li, L Liao, M Li, W Che, PS Yu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.04925, 2024
CAM: a topology aware minimum cost flow based resource manager for MapReduce applications in the cloud
M Li, D Subhraveti, AR Butt, A Khasymski, P Sarkar
Proceedings of the 21st international symposium on High-Performance Parallel …, 2012
Finding the big data sweet spot: Towards automatically recommending configurations for hadoop clusters on docker containers
R Zhang, M Li, D Hildebrand
2015 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering, 365-368, 2015
Sparkbench–a spark performance testing suite
D Agrawal, A Butt, K Doshi, JL Larriba-Pey, M Li, FR Reiss, F Raab, ...
Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking: Traditional to Big Data to Internet …, 2016
Large language models meet nlp: A survey
L Qin, Q Chen, X Feng, Y Wu, Y Zhang, Y Li, M Li, W Che, PS Yu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.12819, 2024
Jcallgraph: tracing microservices in very large scale container cloud platforms
H Liu, J Zhang, H Shan, M Li, Y Chen, X He, X Li
Cloud Computing–CLOUD 2019: 12th International Conference, Held as Part of …, 2019
Dimsim: An accurate chinese phonetic similarity algorithm based on learned high dimensional encoding
M Li, M Danilevsky, S Noeman, Y Li
Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on Computational Natural Language …, 2018
End-to-end task-oriented dialogue: A survey of tasks, methods, and future directions
L Qin, W Pan, Q Chen, L Liao, Z Yu, Y Zhang, W Che, M Li
arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.09008, 2023
Gerbil: Mpi+ yarn
L Xu, M Li, AR Butt
2015 15th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid …, 2015
Multi-resource fair sharing for multiclass workflows
J Tan, L Zhang, M Li, Y Wang
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 42 (4), 31-37, 2015
Increasing coverage and precision of textual information in multilingual knowledge graphs
S Conia, M Li, D Lee, UF Minhas, I Ilyas, Y Li
arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.15781, 2023
Cooperative storage-level de-duplication for i/o reduction in virtualized data centers
M Li, S Gaonkar, AR Butt, D Kenchammana, K Voruganti
2012 IEEE 20th International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation …, 2012
Towards cross-cultural machine translation with retrieval-augmented generation from multilingual knowledge graphs
S Conia, D Lee, M Li, UF Minhas, S Potdar, Y Li
arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.14057, 2024
Do large language models have an english accent? evaluating and improving the naturalness of multilingual llms
Y Guo, S Conia, Z Zhou, M Li, S Potdar, H Xiao
arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.15956, 2024
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Articles 1–20