Keyvan Amini
Keyvan Amini
Professor of Optimization , Razi university
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Cited by
A nonmonotone trust-region line search method for large-scale unconstrained optimization
M Ahookhosh, K Amini, MR Peyghami
Applied Mathematical Modelling 36 (1), 478-487, 2012
A nonmonotone trust region method with adaptive radius for unconstrained optimization problems
M Ahookhosh, K Amini
Computers & mathematics with applications 60 (3), 411-422, 2010
An efficient nonmonotone trust-region method for unconstrained optimization
M Ahookhosh, K Amini
Numerical Algorithms 59, 523-540, 2012
Two derivative-free projection approaches for systems of large-scale nonlinear monotone equations
M Ahookhosh, K Amini, S Bahrami
Numerical Algorithms 64, 21-42, 2013
A modified two steps Levenberg–Marquardt method for nonlinear equations
K Amini, F Rostami
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 288, 341-350, 2015
An inexact line search approach using modified nonmonotone strategy for unconstrained optimization
K Amini, M Ahookhosh, H Nosratipour
Numerical Algorithms 66, 49-78, 2014
A new projection-based algorithm for solving a large-scale nonlinear system of monotone equations
MAK Shiker, K Amini
Croatian operational research review 9 (1), 63-73, 2018
An efficient Levenberg–Marquardt method with a new LM parameter for systems of nonlinear equations
K Amini, F Rostami, G Caristi
Optimization 67 (5), 637-650, 2018
A modified spectral conjugate gradient method with global convergence
P Faramarzi, K Amini
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 182, 667-690, 2019
A class of nonmonotone Armijo-type line search method for unconstrained optimization
M Ahookhosh, K Amini, S Bahrami
Optimization 61 (4), 387-404, 2012
Three-steps modified Levenberg–Marquardt method with a new line search for systems of nonlinear equations
K Amini, F Rostami
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 300, 30-42, 2016
A modified Hestenes–Stiefel conjugate gradient method with an optimal property
K Amini, P Faramarzi, N Pirfalah
Optimization Methods and Software 34 (4), 770-782, 2019
A line search trust-region algorithm with nonmonotone adaptive radius for a system of nonlinear equations
K Amini, MAK Shiker, M Kimiaei
4OR 14, 133-152, 2016
A new proximity function generating the best known iteration bounds for both large-update and small-update interior-point methods
K Aminis, A Haseli
The ANZIAM Journal 49 (2), 259-270, 2007
An improved adaptive trust-region algorithm
A Kamandi, K Amini, M Ahookhosh
Optimization Letters 11, 555-569, 2017
Exploring complexity of large update interior-point methods for P∗(κ) linear complementarity problem based on kernel function
K Amini, MR Peyghami
Applied Mathematics and Computation 207 (2), 501-513, 2009
A globally convergent trust-region method for large-scale symmetric nonlinear systems
M Ahookhosh, K Amini, M Kimiaei
Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 36 (7), 830-855, 2015
A new line search strategy for finding separating hyperplane in projection-based methods
K Amini, A Kamandi
Numerical Algorithms 70, 559-570, 2015
A kernel function based Interior-Point Methods for solving P *(κ)-linear complementarity problem
MR Peyghami, K Amini
Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series 26, 1761-1778, 2010
A new structured quasi-Newton algorithm using partial information on Hessian
K Amini, AG Rizi
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 234 (3), 805-811, 2010
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Articles 1–20