Ye-Qiong Song + YeQiong Song
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Trends in automotive communication systems
N Navet, Y Song, F Simonot-Lion, C Wilwert
Proceedings of the IEEE 93 (6), 1204-1223, 2005
Worst-case deadline failure probability in real-time applications distributed over controller area network
N Navet, YQ Song, F Simonot
Journal of systems Architecture 46 (7), 607-617, 2000
Real-time QoS support in wireless sensor networks: a survey
Y Li, CS Chen, YQ Song, Z Wang
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 40 (22), 373-380, 2007
Enhancing real-time delivery in wireless sensor networks with two-hop information
Y Li, CS Chen, YQ Song, Z Wang, Y Sun
IEEE Transactions on industrial informatics 5 (2), 113-122, 2009
Improving the IEEE 802.15. 4 slotted CSMA/CA MAC for time-critical events in wireless sensor networks
A Koubaa, M Alves, B Nefzi, YQ Song
IPP Hurray! Research Group, 2006
Wireless sensor network design for wildfire monitoring
Y Li, Z Wang, Y Song
2006 6th world congress on intelligent control and automation 1, 109-113, 2006
FlowQoS: QoS for the rest of us
MS Seddiki, M Shahbaz, S Donovan, S Grover, M Park, N Feamster, ...
Proceedings of the third workshop on Hot topics in software defined …, 2014
Delay analysis of AVB traffic in time-sensitive networks (TSN)
D Maxim, YQ Song
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and …, 2017
A traffic adaptive multi-channel MAC protocol with dynamic slot allocation for WSNs
S Zhuo, Z Wang, YQ Song, Z Wang, L Almeida
IEEE transactions on mobile computing 15 (7), 1600-1613, 2015
Design of automotive X-by-Wire systems
C Wilwert, N Navet, YQ Song, F Simonot-Lion
The Industrial Communication Technology Handbook, 2005
Switched Ethernet for real-time industrial communication: Modelling and message Buffering delay evaluation
Y Song, A Koubaa, F Simonot
4th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems, 27-35, 2002
Performance Analysis and improvement of ZigBee routing protocol
B Nefzi, YQ Song
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 40 (22), 199-206, 2007
Co-design approaches to dependable networked control systems
D Simon, YQ Song, C Aubrun
John Wiley & Sons, 2013
Queue-MAC: A queue-length aware hybrid CSMA/TDMA MAC protocol for providing dynamic adaptation to traffic and duty-cycle variation in wireless sensor networks
S Zhuo, YQ Song, Z Wang, Z Wang
2012 9th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems, 105-114, 2012
iQueue-MAC: A traffic adaptive duty-cycled MAC protocol with dynamic slot allocation
S Zhuo, Z Wang, YQ Song, Z Wang, L Almeida
2013 IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communications and Networking …, 2013
A new routing metric for satisfying both energy and delay constraints in wireless sensor networks
N Boughanmi, YQ Song
Journal of Signal Processing Systems 51, 137-143, 2008
Evaluating quality of service and behavioral reliability of steer-by-wire systems
C Wilwert, YQ Song, F Simonot-Lion, T Clément
EFTA 2003. 2003 IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory …, 2003
Time constrained communication over switched Ethernet
YQ Song
4th IFAC International Conference on Fieldbus Systems and their Applications …, 2001
Providing Real-Time Applications With Graceful Degradation of QoS and Fault Tolerance According to-Firm Model
J Li, YQ Song, F Simonot-Lion
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 2 (2), 112-119, 2006
Real time characteristics of Ethernet and its improvement
Z Wang, YQ Song, J Chen, Y Sun
Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation …, 2002
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Articles 1–20