Brian Thompson
Brian Thompson
PhD Student, Rutgers University
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The union-split algorithm and cluster-based anonymization of social networks
B Thompson, D Yao
Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Information, Computer, and …, 2009
Privacy-preserving computation and verification of aggregate queries on outsourced databases
B Thompson, S Haber, WG Horne, T Sander, D Yao
International Symposium on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 185-201, 2009
Towards publishing recommendation data with predictive anonymization
CC Chang, B Thompson, HW Wang, D Yao
Proceedings of the 5th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and …, 2010
Socializing the h-index
G Cormode, Q Ma, S Muthukrishnan, B Thompson
Journal of Informetrics 7 (3), 718-721, 2013
Modelling the Heart as a Communication System
H Ashikaga, J Aguilar-Rodríguez, S Gorsky, E Lusczek, FMD Marquitti, ...
Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 2015
Attacker Skill, Defender Strategies, and the Effectiveness of Migration-based Moving Target Defense in Cyber Systems
N Ben-Asher, J Morris-King, B Thompson, W Glodek
International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, 2016
Modeling collaboration in academia: A game theoretic approach
Q Ma, S Muthukrishnan, B Thompson, G Cormode
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on World Wide Web, 1177-1182, 2014
DAPA-V10: Discovery and Analysis of Patterns and Anomalies in Volatile Time-Evolving Networks
B Thompson, T Eliassi-Rad
Notes of the 1st Workshop on Information in Networks (WIN), 2009
Modeling the Impact of Patron Screening at an NFL Stadium
BC Ricks, B Nakamura, A Almaz, R DeMarco, C Hui, P Kantor, A Matlin, ...
IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings, 3086, 2014
A renewal theory approach to anomaly detection in communication networks
B Thompson, T Eliassi-Rad
Notes of the 2nd Workshop on Information in Networks (WIN), 2010
The early bird gets the buzz: detecting anomalies and emerging trends in information networks
B Thompson
Proceedings of the fifth ACM international conference on Web search and data …, 2012
Inferring Pairwise Influence from Encrypted Communication
B Thompson, H Cam
Conference on Military Communications (MILCOM), 2015
Predictive Anonymization: Utility-Preserving Publishing of Sparse Recommendation Data
C Chang, B Thompson, H Wang, D Yao
Rutgers University Technical Report, DCS-TR-647, 2009. http://www. cs …, 2008
Efficient and Time Scale-Invariant Detection of Correlated Events in Communication Networks
B Thompson, J Abello
ICDM Workshop on Data Mining in Networks, 2015
Discovering Functional Communities in Social Media
B Thompson, L Ness, D Shallcross, D Bassu
ICDM Workshop on Data Mining in Social Networks, 2015
Modeling Collaboration in Academia: A Game Theoretic Approach
G Cormode, Q Ma, S Muthukrishnan, B Thompson
arXiv preprint arXiv:1407.2220, 2014
Models and algorithms for event-driven networks
BE Thompson
Rutgers University-Graduate School-New Brunswick, 2014
Discovering Hidden Relationships via Efficient Co-clustering of Sparse Matrices
B Thompson, L Ness, D Shallcross, D Bassu
Poster: Privacy-Aware Publishing of Netflix Data
B Thompson, CC Chang, HW Wang, D Yao
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