David Serrano
David Serrano
Estación Biológica de Dońana
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Roles of raptors in a changing world: from flagships to providers of key ecosystem services
JA Donázar, A Cortés-Avizanda, JA Fargallo, A Margalida, M Moleón, ...
Ardeola 63 (1), 181-234, 2016
Factors affecting breeding dispersal in the facultatively colonial lesser kestrel: individual experience vs. conspecific cues
D Serrano, JL Tella, MG Forero, JA Donázar
Journal of Animal Ecology 70 (4), 568-578, 2001
Predictive models of habitat preferences for the Eurasian eagle owl Bubo bubo: a multiscale approach
JA Martínez, D Serrano, I Zuberogoitia
Ecography 26 (1), 21-28, 2003
Colony size selection determines adult survival and dispersal preferences: Allee effects in a colonial bird
D Serrano, D Oro, E Ursua, JL Tella
The American Naturalist 166 (2), E22-E31, 2005
Survival in a long‐lived territorial migrant: effects of life‐history traits and ecological conditions in wintering and breeding areas
JM Grande, D Serrano, G Tavecchia, M Carrete, O Ceballos, ...
Oikos 118 (4), 580-590, 2009
Dispersal within a spatially structured population of lesser kestrels: the role of spatial isolation and conspecific attraction
D Serrano, JL Tella
Journal of Animal Ecology 72 (3), 400-410, 2003
Extensive polymorphism and geographical variation at a positively selected MHC class II B gene of the lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni)
M Alcaide, SV Edwards, JJ Negro, D Serrano, JL Tella
Molecular ecology 17 (11), 2652-2665, 2008
Renewables in Spain threaten biodiversity
D Serrano, A Margalida, JM Pérez-García, J Juste, J Traba, F Valera, ...
Science 370 (6522), 1282-1283, 2020
Song diversity predicts the viability of fragmented bird populations
P Laiolo, M Vögeli, D Serrano, JL Tella
PLoS One 3 (3), e1822, 2008
Dispersal and social attraction affect colony selection and dynamics of lesser kestrels
D Serrano, MG Forero, JA Donázar, JL Tella
Ecology 85 (12), 3438-3447, 2004
Social and individual features affecting natal dispersal in the colonial lesser kestrel
D Serrano, JL Tella, JA Donázar, M Pomarol
Ecology 84 (11), 3044-3054, 2003
Carcasses increase the probability of predation of ground‐nesting birds: a caveat regarding the conservation value of vulture restaurants
A Cortés‐Avizanda, M Carrete, D Serrano, JA Donázar
Animal Conservation 12 (1), 85-88, 2009
Does land irrigation actually reduce foraging habitat for breeding lesser kestrels? The role of crop types
E Ursua, D Serrano, JL Tella
Biological Conservation 122 (4), 643-648, 2005
The relative importance of patch habitat quality and landscape attributes on a declining steppe-bird metapopulation
M Vögeli, D Serrano, F Pacios, JL Tella
Biological Conservation 143 (5), 1057-1067, 2010
An Epizootic of Avian Pox in Endemic Short-toed Larks (Calandrella rufescens) and Berthelot's Pipits (Anthus berthelotti) in the Canary Islands, Spain
JE Smits, JL Tella, M Carrete, D Serrano, G López
Veterinary Pathology 42 (1), 59-65, 2005
The role of despotism and heritability in determining settlement patterns in the colonial lesser kestrel
D Serrano, JL Tella
The American Naturalist 169 (2), E53-E67, 2007
Uneven large-scale movement patterns in wild and reintroduced pre-adult bearded vultures: conservation implications
A Margalida, M Carrete, D Hegglin, D Serrano, R Arenas, JA Donazar
PloS one 8 (6), e65857, 2013
Tonic immobility is a measure of boldness toward predators: an application of Bayesian structural equation modeling
P Edelaar, D Serrano, M Carrete, J Blas, J Potti, JL Tella
Behavioral Ecology 23 (3), 619-626, 2012
Goats, birds, and emergent diseases: apparent and hidden effects of exotic species in an island environment
M Carrete, D Serrano, JC Illera, G López, M Vögeli, A Delgado, JL Tella
Ecological Applications 19 (4), 840-853, 2009
Testing acoustic versus physical marking: two complementary methods for individual‐based monitoring of elusive species
P Laiolo, M Vögeli, D Serrano, JL Tella
Journal of Avian Biology 38 (6), 672-681, 2007
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