Cheng-Hung Hu
Cheng-Hung Hu
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Cited by
Svsnet: An end-to-end speaker voice similarity assessment model
CH Hu, YH Peng, J Yamagishi, Y Tsao, HM Wang
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 29, 767-771, 2022
The AS-NU System for the M2VoC Challenge
CH Hu, YC Wu, WC Huang, YH Peng, YW Chen, PJ Ku, T Toda, Y Tsao, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.03009, 2021
Preference-based training framework for automatic speech quality assessment using deep neural network
CH Hu, Y Yasuda, T Toda
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.15203, 2023
The Academia Sinica Systems of Voice Conversion for VCC2020
YH Peng, CH Hu, A Kang, HS Lee, PY Chen, Y Tsao, HM Wang
Joint Workshop for the BC and VCC 2020, 180–183, 2020
NASTAR: Noise Adaptive Speech Enhancement with Target-Conditional Resampling
CC Lee, CH Hu, YC Lin, CS Chen, HM Wang, Y Tsao
arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.09058, 2022
Relational Data Selection for Data Augmentation of Speaker-dependent Multi-band MelGAN Vocoder
YC Wu, CH Hu, HS Lee, YH Peng, WC Huang, Y Tsao, HM Wang, T Toda
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.05629, 2021
Embedding Learning for Preference-based Speech Quality Assessment
CH Hu, Y Yasuda, T Toda
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