Anamaria Crisan
Anamaria Crisan
Assistant Professor @ University of Waterloo
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The clonal and mutational evolution spectrum of primary triple-negative breast cancers
SP Shah, A Roth, R Goya, A Oloumi, G Ha, Y Zhao, G Turashvili, J Ding, ...
Nature 486 (7403), 395-399, 2012
Discovery and validation of a prostate cancer genomic classifier that predicts early metastasis following radical prostatectomy
N Erho, A Crisan, IA Vergara, AP Mitra, M Ghadessi, C Buerki, ...
PloS one 8 (6), e66855, 2013
Validation of a genomic classifier that predicts metastasis following radical prostatectomy in an at risk patient population
RJ Karnes, EJ Bergstralh, E Davicioni, M Ghadessi, C Buerki, AP Mitra, ...
The Journal of urology 190 (6), 2047-2053, 2013
SNVMix: predicting single nucleotide variants from next-generation sequencing of tumors
R Goya, MGF Sun, RD Morin, G Leung, G Ha, KC Wiegand, J Senz, ...
Bioinformatics 26 (6), 730-736, 2010
JointSNVMix: a probabilistic model for accurate detection of somatic mutations in normal/tumour paired next-generation sequencing data
A Roth, J Ding, R Morin, A Crisan, G Ha, R Giuliany, A Bashashati, M Hirst, ...
Bioinformatics 28 (7), 907-913, 2012
Combined value of validated clinical and genomic risk stratification tools for predicting prostate cancer mortality in a high-risk prostatectomy cohort
MR Cooperberg, E Davicioni, A Crisan, RB Jenkins, M Ghadessi, ...
European urology 67 (2), 326-333, 2015
A genomic classifier predicting metastatic disease progression in men with biochemical recurrence after prostatectomy
AE Ross, FY Feng, M Ghadessi, N Erho, A Crisan, C Buerki, D Sundi, ...
Prostate cancer and prostatic diseases 17 (1), 64-69, 2014
Interactive model cards: A human-centered approach to model documentation
A Crisan, M Drouhard, J Vig, N Rajani
Proceedings of the 2022 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and …, 2022
Fits and starts: Enterprise use of automl and the role of humans in the loop
A Crisan, B Fiore-Gartland
Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2021
Passing the data baton: A retrospective analysis on data science work and workers
A Crisan, B Fiore-Gartland, M Tory
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 27 (2), 1860-1870, 2020
Evidence-based design and evaluation of a whole genome sequencing clinical report for the reference microbiology laboratory
A Crisan, G McKee, T Munzner, JL Gardy
PeerJ 6, e4218, 2018
Declaring a tuberculosis outbreak over with genomic epidemiology
HA Hatherell, X Didelot, SL Pollock, P Tang, A Crisan, JC Johnston, ...
Microbial Genomics 2 (5), e000060, 2016
Finding their data voice: Practices and challenges of dashboard users
M Tory, L Bartram, B Fiore-Gartland, A Crisan
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 43 (1), 22-36, 2021
Clinical and genomic analysis of metastatic prostate cancer progression with a background of postoperative biochemical recurrence
M Alshalalfa, A Crisan, IA Vergara, M Ghadessi, C Buerki, N Erho, ...
BJU international 116 (4), 556-567, 2015
Adjutant: an R-based tool to support topic discovery for systematic and literature reviews
A Crisan, T Munzner, JL Gardy
Bioinformatics, 2018
Genomic “dark matter” in prostate cancer: exploring the clinical utility of ncRNA as biomarkers
IA Vergara, N Erho, TJ Triche, M Ghadessi, A Crisan, T Sierocinski, ...
Frontiers in genetics 3, 23, 2012
Gevitrec: Data reconnaissance through recommendation using a domain-specific visualization prevalence design space
A Crisan, SE Fisher, JL Gardy, T Munzner
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 28 (12), 4855-4872, 2021
A systematic method for surveying data visualizations and a resulting genomic epidemiology visualization typology: GEViT
A Crisan, JL Gardy, T Munzner
Bioinformatics, 2018
Whole-transcriptome profiling of thyroid nodules identifies expression-based signatures for accurate thyroid cancer diagnosis
SM Wiseman, Z Haddad, B Walker, IA Vergara, T Sierocinski, A Crisan, ...
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 98 (10), 4072-4079, 2013
How to Evaluate an Evaluation Study? Comparing and Contrasting Practices in Vis with Those of Other Disciplines
A Crisan, M Elliott
2018 IEEE Evaluation and Beyond - Methodological Approaches for …, 2018
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