Udit Khanna
Udit Khanna
Assistant Professor, Theoretical Physics Division, Physical Research Laboratory
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Proximity-induced superconductivity in Weyl semimetals
U Khanna, A Kundu, S Pradhan, S Rao
Physical Review B 90 (19), 195430, 2014
Chiral nodes and oscillations in the Josephson current in Weyl semimetals
U Khanna, DK Mukherjee, A Kundu, S Rao
Physical Review B 93 (12), 121409, 2016
transitions in a Josephson junction of an irradiated Weyl semimetal
U Khanna, S Rao, A Kundu
Physical Review B 95 (20), 201115, 2017
Fractional edge reconstruction in integer quantum Hall phases
U Khanna, M Goldstein, Y Gefen
Physical Review B 103 (12), L121302, 2021
Symmetry and Correlation Effects on Band Structure Explain the Anomalous Transport Properties of (111) LaAlO/SrTiO
U Khanna, PK Rout, M Mograbi, G Tuvia, I Leermakers, U Zeitler, ...
Physical Review Letters 123 (3), 036805, 2019
A complete 3D numerical study of the effects of pseudoscalar–photon mixing on quasar polarizations
N Agarwal, PK Aluri, P Jain, U Khanna, P Tiwari
The European Physical Journal C 72 (3), 1-10, 2012
Spin Mode Switching at the Edge of a Quantum Hall System
U Khanna, G Murthy, S Rao, Y Gefen
Physical Review Letters 119 (18), 186804, 2017
Magnetic flux periodicity in second order topological superconductors
SJ De, U Khanna, S Rao
Physical Review B 101 (12), 125429, 2020
Emergence of neutral modes in laughlin-like fractional quantum Hall phases
U Khanna, M Goldstein, Y Gefen
Physical Review Letters 129 (14), 146801, 2022
Parafermions in a multilegged geometry: Towards a scalable parafermionic network
U Khanna, M Goldstein, Y Gefen
Physical Review B 105 (16), L161101, 2022
Transport and STM studies of hyperbolic surface states of topological insulators
U Khanna, S Pradhan, S Rao
arXiv preprint arXiv:1303.3700, 2013
Phase diagram of the quantum Hall state in bilayer graphene
U Khanna, K Huang, G Murthy, HA Fertig, K Watanabe, T Taniguchi, J Zhu, ...
Physical Review B 108 (4), L041107, 2023
Edge reconstruction and emergent neutral modes in integer and fractional quantum Hall phases
U Khanna, M Goldstein, Y Gefen
Low Temperature Physics 48 (5), 420-427, 2022
Chiral detection of Majorana bound states at the edge of a quantum spin Hall insulator
V Adak, A Mukhopadhyay, SJ De, U Khanna, S Rao, S Das
Physical Review B 106 (4), 045422, 2022
Quantum spin Hall insulator in proximity with a superconductor: Transition to the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state driven by a Zeeman field
SJ De, U Khanna, S Rao, S Das
Physical Review B 108 (16), L161403, 2023
Edge Reconstruction of a Time-Reversal Invariant Insulator: Compressible-Incompressible Stripes
U Khanna, Y Gefen, O Entin-Wohlman, A Aharony
Physical Review Letters 128 (18), 186801, 2022
Anomalous topology and synthetic flat band in multi-terminal Josephson Junctions
A Mukhopadhyay, U Khanna, S Das
arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.15159, 2023
Enhancement of superconductivity upon reduction of carrier density in proximitized graphene
GN Daptary, U Khanna, E Walach, A Roy, E Shimshoni, A Frydman
Physical Review B 105 (10), L100507, 2022
Fractional quantum Hall coexistence phases in higher Landau levels of graphene
J An, AC Balram, U Khanna, G Murthy
arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.10035, 2024
Observation of a second Dirac point in a graphene/superconductor bilayer
GN Daptary, E Walach, U Khanna, E Shimshoni, A Frydman
Physical Review Materials 8 (8), 084802, 2024
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Articles 1–20