Raymond L Tremblay
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Variation in sexual reproduction in orchids and its evolutionary consequences: a spasmodic journey to diversification
RL Tremblay, JD Ackerman, JK Zimmerman, RN Calvo
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 84 (1), 1-54, 2005
Variation in endophytic fungi from roots and leaves of Lepanthes (Orchidaceae)
P Bayman, LL Lebron, RL Tremblay, DJ Lodge
The New Phytologist 135 (1), 143-149, 1997
Trends in the pollination ecology of the Orchidaceae: evolution and systematics
RL Tremblay
Canadian Journal of Botany 70 (3), 642-650, 1992
Effects of disturbance on population dynamics of the threatened orchid Prasophyllum correctum DL Jones and implications for grassland management in south-eastern Australia
F Coates, ID Lunt, RL Tremblay
Biological Conservation 129 (1), 59-69, 2006
Gene flow and effective population size in Lepanthes (Orchidaceae): a case for genetic drift
RL Tremblay, JD Ackerman
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 72 (1), 47-62, 2001
Host specificity and low reproductive success in the rare endemic Puerto Rican orchid Lepanthes caritensis
RL Tremblay, JK Zimmerman, L Lebrón, P Bayman, I Sastre, F Axelrod, ...
Biological Conservation 85 (3), 297-304, 1998
Are fungi necessary? How fungicides affect growth and survival of the orchid Lepanthes rupestris in the field
P Bayman, EJ González, JJ Fumero, RL Tremblay
Journal of Ecology 90 (6), 1002-1008, 2002
Distribution and Dispersion Patterns of Individuals in Nine Species of Lepanfhes (Orchidaceae)1
RL Tremblay
Biotropica 29 (1), 38-45, 1997
Beyond the various contrivances by which orchids are pollinated: global patterns in orchid pollination biology
JD Ackerman, RD Phillips, RL Tremblay, A Karremans, N Reiter, CI Peter, ...
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 202 (3), 295-324, 2023
Microbial quality of tropical inland waters and effects of rainfall events
TM Santiago-Rodriguez, RL Tremblay, C Toledo-Hernandez, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 78 (15), 5160-5169, 2012
Do richness and rarity hotspots really matter for orchid conservation in light of anticipated habitat loss?
BJ Crain, RL Tremblay
Diversity and distributions 20 (6), 652-662, 2014
Do epiphytic orchids behave as metapopulations? Evidence from colonization, extinction rates and asynchronous population dynamics
RL Tremblay, E Meléndez-Ackerman, D Kapan
Biological Conservation 129 (1), 70-81, 2006
Population dynamics in orchid conservation: a review of analytical methods based on the rare species Lepanthes eltoroensis
RL Tremblay, MJ Hutchings
Orchid conservation. Kota Kinabalu: Natural History Publications (Borneo …, 2003
Lepanthes caritensis, an endangered orchid: no sex, no future?
RL Tremblay
Selbyana, 160-166, 1997
Island biogeography of native and alien plant species: contrasting drivers of diversity across the Lesser Antilles
J Rojas‐Sandoval, JD Ackerman, RL Tremblay
Diversity and Distributions 26 (11), 1539-1550, 2020
The origin and speciation of orchids
OA Pérez‐Escobar, D Bogarín, NAS Przelomska, JD Ackerman, ...
New Phytologist 242 (2), 700-716, 2024
Circular distribution of an epiphytic herb on trees in a subtropical rain forest
RL Tremblay, JV Castro
Tropical Ecology 50 (2), 211, 2009
Biology and natural history of Caladenia
K Dixon, RL Tremblay
Australian Journal of Botany 57 (4), 247-258, 2009
Prediction vs. reality: Can a PVA model predict population persistence 13 years later?
I Schödelbauerová, RL Tremblay, P Kindlmann
Biodiversity and Conservation 19, 637-650, 2010
Ecological correlates and short-term effects of relocation of a rare epiphytic orchid after Hurricane Georges
RL Tremblay
Endangered Species Research 5 (1), 83-90, 2008
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