Mona Agerholm Andersen
Cited by
Cited by
Management conversations in Danish companies: Communicating corporate values and strategies
H Kryger Aggerholm, M Agerholm Andersen, B Asmuß, C Thomsen
Corporate Communications: An International Journal 14 (3), 264-279, 2009
Strategic internal communication of corporate heritage identity in a hypermodal context
CD Maier, MA Andersen
Corporate Communications: An International Journal 22 (1), 36-59, 2017
A multidimensional model for analyzing employee identification with corporate values: A qualitative reception analysis approach
M Agerholm Andersen
Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International …, 2012
Creating esprit de corps in times of crisis: Employee identification with values in a Danish windmill company
M Agerholm Andersen
Corporate Communications: An International Journal 15 (1), 102-123, 2010
Dynamic interplay of visual and textual identification strategies in employees’ magazines
CD Maier, MA Andersen
International Journal of Strategic Communication 8 (4), 250-275, 2014
MR (2005)
M Andersen, ME Dellemyr
Nye vurderingsformer—ny kurs for skoleledere, 0
Co-creating Organizational Changes in Social Media-A Theoretical Framework
C Valentini, MA Andersen, A Agerdal-Hjermind
16th International Public Relations Research Conference, Miami, FL, 511, 2013
Fra hjemmehjelp til vaskehjelp? Om taylorisering av hjemmehjelpsarbeid
M Andersen
The University of Bergen, 2008
Times are changing: the role of heritage identity on employee identification in a Danish family-owned company
MA Andersen
Corporate Communications: An International Journal 25 (3), 477-494, 2020
Vertical and horizontal listening on internal social media during a time of crisis: a case study of a Danish hospital
VT Madsen, HE Gode, MA Andersen
Journal of Communication Management 27 (4), 563-581, 2023
Conversations in management: results from a Danish survey study
H Aggerholm, MA Andersen, B Asmuß, C Thomsen
Proceedings of the Conference on Corporate Communication 2008, 1-15, 2008
Employee participation in knowledge sharing and change solutions through enterprise social media
MA Andersen, A Agerdal-Hjermind, C Valentini
Conference on Corporate Communication 2016, 66, 2016
The Dynamic Interplay of Visual and Textual Identification Strategies in a Corporate Context: A Multimodal Analysis of Grundfos Employees' Magazines
CD Maier, MA Andersen
Ledelsessamtaler: Resultater fra en dansk spørgeskemaundersøgelse
H Aggerholm, MA Andersen, B Asmuß, GS Jørgensen, C Thomsen
Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University, Centre for Corporate Communication, 2008
Krise gør værdibaseret ledelse vanskelig
MA Andersen
Ledelse i Dag, 2006
Ejerskab for NEG Micons værdier: et casestudie af krydsfeltet mellem ledelsesopfattelser og medarbejderoplevelser
MA Andersen
Handelshøjskolen i Århus, Institut for sprog og Erhvervskommunikation, 2006
The Role of Communicative Coworkership on Internal Social Media in Creating Responsible Communication
HE Gode, VT Madsen, MA Andersen
EUPRERA 24th Annual Congres: Responsible Communication-or Communicating …, 2023
How do blue-collar production workers make sense of opportunities for personal engagement in a post-bureaucratic, sustainable organization?
NL Trapp, MA Andersen
How Employees’ Roles and Communication Responsibility Play a Role in an Ideation Process on Internal Social Media
MA Andersen, HE Gode
International Journal of Strategic Communication 17 (2), 75-96, 2023
Engaging employees via digital technologies: An integrative model of change management and communication via internal social media
MA Andersen, C Valentini
Social Media for Progressive Public Relations, 57-72, 2022
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Articles 1–20