Arnab Roy
Arnab Roy
BITS-Pilani K. K. Birla Goa Campus
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Development of a very high sensitivity magnetic field sensor based on planar Hall effect
A Roy, P Sampathkumar, PSA Kumar
Measurement 156, 107590, 2020
Quantum criticality at the superconductor insulator transition probed by the Nernst effect
A Roy, E Shimshoni, A Frydman
Physical review Letters 121, 047003, 2018
Giant planar Hall effect in pulsed laser deposited permalloy films
A Roy, PSA Kumar
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 43 (36), 365001, 2010
Epitaxial Co metal thin film grown by pulsed laser deposition using oxide target
DS Negi, A Roy, B Loukya, K Dileep, S Shetty, N Kumar, PSA Kumar, ...
Journal of crystal growth 394, 112-115, 2014
An extension of the Néel-Brown model for systems with multiple switching pathways
A Roy, PSA Kumar
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 424, 69-75, 2017
AC measurement of the Nernst effect of thin films at low temperatures
Y Wu, S Dutta, J Jesudasan, A Frydman, A Roy
Review of Scientific Instruments 91 (9), 2020
Universal voltage fluctuations in disordered superconductors
A Roy, Y Wu, R Berkovits, A Frydman
Physical Review Letters 125 (14), 147002, 2020
A study of Barkhausen avalanche statistics through the critical disorder in a ferromagnetic thin film: Experimental investigation and theoretical modeling
A Roy, PSA Kumar
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 493, 165710, 2020
Development of a spin polarized low energy electron diffraction system
AV Pradeep, A Roy, PS Kumar, J Kirschner
Review of Scientific Instruments 87 (2), 2016
Breakdown of Barkhausen Criticality in an Ultrathin Ferromagnetic Film
A Roy, PS Anil Kumar
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 2020
Geometry dependent crossover of Barkhausen statistics in iron thin films
A Roy, PSA Kumar
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 106, 19-24, 2019
Nernst Sign Reversal in the Hexatic Vortex Phase of Weakly Disordered Thin Films
Y Wu, A Roy, S Dutta, J Jesudasan, P Raychaudhuri, A Frydman
Physical Review Letters 132 (2), 026003, 2024
Enhancement of superconductivity upon reduction of carrier density in proximitized graphene
GN Daptary, U Khanna, E Walach, A Roy, E Shimshoni, A Frydman
Physical Review B 105 (10), L100507, 2022
Suppression Of Barkhausen Noise Due To Exchange Biasing In Fe-FeMn Bilayers
A Roy, KPS Anil
AIP Conference Proceedings 1536, 1025, 2013
Evidence of collective relaxation behavior in the reentrant phase of oxygen-rich LaMnO3
A Roy, PSA Kumar
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 337, 79-82, 2013
Bubble-pair: A tool for the cell perforation and particle fragmentation
A Mishra, A Garva, A Roy, P Ghosh
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 67, 2022
Enhancement of Superconductivity upon reduction of carrier density in proximitized graphene
G Nath Daptary, U Khanna, E Walach, A Roy, E Shimshoni, A Frydman
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 2203.04669, 2022
Aharonov-Casher effect with vortices in an amorphous superconductor
A Roy, A Frydman
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 65, 2020
The study of a Superconductor-Insulator quantum phase transition using Nernst effect
A Roy, E Shimshoni, A Frydman
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2018, B30. 013, 2018
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Articles 1–19