Werner Schmidt
Werner Schmidt
Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt Business School
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Subject-oriented business process management
A Fleischmann, W Schmidt, C Stary, S Obermeier, E Börger
Springer Nature, 2012
Subjektorientiertes Prozessmanagement: Mitarbeiter einbinden, Motivation und Prozessakzeptanz steigern
A Fleischmann, W Schmidt, C Stary, S Obermeier, E Börger
Hanser, 2011
Subject-oriented modeling and execution of multi-agent business processes
A Fleischmann, U Kannengiesser, W Schmidt, C Stary
2013 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conferences on Web Intelligence (WI …, 2013
S-BPM in the wild: Practical value creation
A Fleischmann, W Schmidt, C Stary
Springer Nature, 2015
Leveraging CMMN for ACM: examining the applicability of a new OMG standard for adaptive case management
M Kurz, W Schmidt, A Fleischmann, M Lederer
Proceedings of the 7th international conference on subject-oriented business …, 2015
Subjektorientiertes Geschäftsprozessmanagement
W Schmidt, A Fleischmann, OT Gilbert
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 46, 52-62, 2009
Subject-oriented business process management
A Fleischmann, W Schmidt, C Stary
Handbook on Business Process Management 2: Strategic Alignment, Governance …, 2014
Subject-oriented BPM= socially executable BPM
A Fleischmann, W Schmidt, C Stary
2013 IEEE 15th Conference on Business Informatics, 399-407, 2013
Agiles prozessmanagement mittels subjektorientierung
A Fleischmann, W Schmidt, C Stary, M Augl
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 50, 64-76, 2013
Open S-BPM= open innovation
A Fleischmann, W Schmidt, C Stary
S-BPM ONE-Running Processes: 5th International Conference, S-BPM ONE 2013 …, 2013
Nondeterministic events in business processes
A Fleischmann, W Schmidt, C Stary, F Strecker
Business Process Management Workshops: BPM 2012 International Workshops …, 2013
A primer to subject-oriented business process modeling
A Fleischmann, W Schmidt, C Stary
S-BPM ONE–Scientific Research: 4th International Conference, S-BPM ONE 2012 …, 2012
Business process monitoring with S-BPM
W Schmidt, A Fleischmann
S-BPM ONE-Running Processes: 5th International Conference, S-BPM ONE 2013 …, 2013
Smart traffic flow
W Schmidt, S Borgert, A Fleischmann, L Heuser, C Müller, I Schweizer
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 52, 585-596, 2015
Tangible or not tangible–a comparative study of interaction types for process modeling support
A Fleischmann, W Schmidt, C Stary
Human-Computer Interaction. Advanced Interaction Modalities and Techniques …, 2014
Digitale Mehrwertdienste in Smart Cities am Beispiel Verkehr
W Schmidt, S Borgert, A Fleischmann, L Heuser, C Müller, M Mühlhäuser
Smart City: Strategie, Governance und Projekte, 255-274, 2016
Pattern-based engineering of systems-of-systems for process execution support
A Fleischmann, W Schmidt, C Stary, C Fichtenbauer
Human-Computer Interaction. Theory, Design, Development and Practice: 18th …, 2016
Requirements Specification as Executable Software Design-A Behavior Perspective.
A Fleischmann, W Schmidt, C Stary
REFSQ Workshops, 9-18, 2015
Activity-based costing for S-BPM
C Zehbold, W Schmidt, A Fleischmann
S-BPM ONE-Running Processes: 5th International Conference, S-BPM ONE 2013 …, 2013
A precise description of the S-BPM modeling method
A Fleischmann, W Schmidt, C Stary, S Obermeier, E Börger, ...
Subject-Oriented Business Process Management, 227-240, 2012
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