Jiří Hladůvka
Jiří Hladůvka
Sonstige NamenJiri Hladuvka
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Zitiert von
Fully convolutional architectures for multiclass segmentation in chest radiographs
AA Novikov, D Lenis, D Major, J Hladůvka, M Wimmer, K Bühler
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 37 (8), 1865-1876, 2018
Thermalgan: Multimodal color-to-thermal image translation for person re-identification in multispectral dataset
VV Kniaz, VA Knyaz, J Hladuvka, WG Kropatsch, V Mizginov
Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) Workshops, 2018
Curvature-based transfer functions for direct volume rendering
J Hladůvka, A König, E Gröller
Spring Conference on Computer Graphics 16 (5), 58-65, 2000
Braingazer-visual queries for neurobiology research
S Bruckner, V Solteszova, ME Groller, J Hladuvka, K Buhler, JY Yu, ...
Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on 15 (6), 1497-1504, 2009
Shape and appearance models for automatic coronary artery tracking
S Zambal, J Hladuvka, A Kanitsar, K Bühler
The Insight Journal 4, 2008
Improving segmentation of the left ventricle using a two-component statistical model
S Zambal, J Hladůvka, K Bühler
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted …, 2006
Exploiting eigenvalues of the Hessian matrix for volume decimation
J Hladůvka, A König, E Gröller
Proceedings of 9th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer …, 2001
Deep learning for early detection of pathological changes in X-ray bone microstructures: case of osteoarthritis
L Jakaite, V Schetinin, J Hladůvka, S Minaev, A Ambia, W Krzanowski
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 2021
Automated landmarking and labeling of fully and partially scanned spinal columns in CT images
D Major, J Hladůvka, F Schulze, K Bühler
Medical image analysis 17 (8), 1151-1163, 2013
Christmas tree case study: computed tomography as a tool for mastering complex real world objects with applications in computer graphics
A Kanitsar, T Theußl, L Mroz, M Srámek, AV Bartrolí, B Csébfalvi, ...
IEEE Visualization, 2002. VIS 2002., 489-492, 2002
Direction-Driven Shape-Based Interpolation of Volume Data.
J Hladuvka, ME Gröller
VMV, 113-120, 2001
Reconstruction issues in volume visualization
T Theußl, T Möller, J Hladůvka, ME Gröller
Method, apparatus and system for automated spine labeling
D Major, J Hladuvka, K Buhler, F Schulze
US Patent 9,408,584, 2016
Fast and robust localization of the heart in cardiac MRI series
S Zambal, A Schöllhuber, K Bühler, J Hladuvka
Proc VISAPP 1, 341-6, 2008
Derivatives and Eigensystems for volume-data analysis and visualization
J Hladuvka
Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms, Vienna University of …, 2001
Salient representation of volume data
J Hladůvka, A König, E Gröller
Data Visualization 2001: Proceedings of the Joint Eurographics—IEEE TCVG …, 2001
MDL Spline Models: Gradient and Polynomial Reparameterisations.
J Hladuvka, K Bühler
BMVC, 2005
Exploiting the Hessian matrix for content-based retrieval of volume-data features
J Hladůvka, E Gröller
The visual computer 18, 207-217, 2002
Smallest second-order derivatives for efficient volume-data representation
J Hladuvka, E Gröller
Computers & Graphics 26 (2), 229-238, 2002
A fully automatic system for segmentation and analysis of the left and right ventricles of the heart using a bi-temporal two-component model
S Zambal, J Hladuvka, K Bühler, A Neubauer
Proc. CARS, 93-94, 2007
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