Egon Willighagen
Egon Willighagen
Sonstige NamenEgon L. Willighagen
TGX, NUTRIM, Maastricht University/NL, ORCID:0000-0001-7542-0286,
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The Chemistry Development Kit (CDK): An open-source Java library for chemo-and bioinformatics
C Steinbeck, Y Han, S Kuhn, O Horlacher, E Luttmann, E Willighagen
Journal of chemical information and computer sciences 43 (2), 493-500, 2003
WikiPathways: a multifaceted pathway database bridging metabolomics to other omics research
DN Slenter, M Kutmon, K Hanspers, A Riutta, J Windsor, N Nunes, ...
Nucleic Acids Research 46 (D1), D661–D667, 2018
WikiPathways: connecting communities
M Martens, A Ammar, A Riutta, A Waagmeester, DN Slenter, K Hanspers, ...
Nucleic Acids Research 49 (D1), D613–D621, 2021
Recent developments of the chemistry development kit (CDK)-an open-source java library for chemo-and bioinformatics
C Steinbeck, C Hoppe, S Kuhn, M Floris, R Guha, EL Willighagen
Current pharmaceutical design 12 (17), 2111-2120, 2006
WikiPathways: capturing the full diversity of pathway knowledge
M Kutmon, A Riutta, N Nunes, K Hanspers, EL Willighagen, A Bohler, ...
Nucleic acids research 44 (D1), D488-D494, 2016
The Blue Obelisk - Interoperability in Chemical Informatics
R Guha, MT Howard, GR Hutchison, MP Rust, H Rzepa, C Steinbeck, ...
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 46, 991-998, 2006
The Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) v2.0: atom typing, depiction, molecular formulas, and substructure searching
EL Willighagen, JW Mayfield, J Alvarsson, A Berg, L Carlsson, ...
Journal of Cheminformatics 9 (1), 33, 2017
Open PHACTS: Semantic interoperability for drug discovery
AJ Williams, L Harland, P Groth, S Pettifer, C Chichester, EL Willighagen, ...
Drug Discovery Today, 2012
Adverse outcome pathways: opportunities, limitations and open questions
M Leist, A Ghallab, R Graepel, R Marchan, R Hassan, SH Bennekou, ...
Archives of toxicology 91 (11), 3477-3505, 2017
FAIR principles: Interpretations and implementation considerations
A Jacobsen, R de Miranda Azevedo, N Juty, D Batista, S Coles, R Cornet, ...
Data Intelligence 2 (1-2), 10-29, 2020
Community assessment to advance computational prediction of cancer drug combinations in a pharmacogenomic screen
MP Menden, D Wang, MJ Mason, B Szalai, KC Bulusu, Y Guan, T Yu, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 2674, 2019
OSCAR4: a flexible architecture for chemical text-mining
DM Jessop, SE Adams, EL Willighagen, L Hawizy, P Murray-Rust
Journal of Cheminformatics 3, 41, 2011
Linked open drug data for pharmaceutical research and development
M Samwald, A Jentzsch, C Bouton, CS Kallesøe, E Willighagen, ...
Journal of Cheminformatics 3, 19, 2011
The LOTUS initiative for open knowledge management in natural products research
A Rutz, M Sorokina, J Galgonek, D Mietchen, E Willighagen, A Gaudry, ...
eLife 11, e70780, 2022
The Chemical Translation Service—a web-based tool to improve standardization of metabolomic reports
G Wohlgemuth, PK Haldiya, E Willighagen, T Kind, O Fiehn
Bioinformatics 26 (20), 2647-2648, 2010
Bioclipse: an open source workbench for chemo-and bioinformatics
O Spjuth, T Helmus, E Willighagen, S Kuhn, M Eklund, J Wagener, ...
BMC bioinformatics 8 (1), 59, 2007
The ChEMBL database as linked open data
EL Willighagen, A Waagmeester, O Spjuth, P Ansell, AJ Williams, ...
Journal of Cheminformatics 5 (1), 23, 2013
COVID-19 Disease Map, building a computational repository of SARS-CoV-2 virus-host interaction mechanisms
M Ostaszewski, A Mazein, ME Gillespie, I Kuperstein, A Niarakis, ...
Scientific Data 7 (1), 1-4, 2020
Scholia and scientometrics with Wikidata
FÅ Nielsen, D Mietchen, E Willighagen
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10577, 237-259, 2017
Wikidata as a knowledge graph for the life sciences
A Waagmeester, G Stupp, S Burgstaller-Muehlbacher, BM Good, M Griffith, ...
eLife 9, e52614, 2020
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