Homin Park
Homin Park
Singapore University of Social Science (SUSS)
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RecGAN: recurrent generative adversarial networks for recommendation systems
H Bharadhwaj, H Park, BY Lim
Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, 372-376, 2018
Energy-efficient privacy protection for smart home environments using behavioral semantics
H Park, C Basaran, T Park, SH Son
Sensors 14 (9), 16235-16257, 2014
Estimation of effective cohesion using artificial neural networks based on index soil properties: A Singapore case
Y Kim, A Satyanaga, H Rahardjo, H Park, AWL Sham
Engineering Geology 289, 106163, 2021
Maximizing accuracy of fall detection and alert systems based on 3D convolutional neural network
S Hwang, DH Ahn, H Park, T Park
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Internet-of-Things …, 2017
Automatic identification of driver’s smartphone exploiting common vehicle-riding actions
H Park, DH Ahn, T Park, KG Shin
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 17 (2), 265-278, 2017
Poster: Are you driving? non-intrusive driver detection using built-in smartphone sensors
H Park, DH Ahn, M Won, SH Son, T Park
Proceedings of the 20th annual international conference on Mobile computing …, 2014
ReLiSCE: Utilizing Resource-Limited Sensors for Office Activity Context Extraction
H Park, J Park, H Kim, J Jun, SH Son, TS Park, J Ko
IEEE, 2014
Reliable identification of vehicle-boarding actions based on fuzzy inference system
DH Ahn, H Park, S Hwang, T Park
Sensors 17 (2), 333, 2017
Activity-aware sensor cycling for human activity monitoring in smart homes
H Park, S Hwang, M Won, T Park
IEEE Communications Letters 21 (4), 757-760, 2016
Hierarchical Multi-Task Learning for Healthy Drink Classification
H Park, H Bharadhwaj, BY Lim
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2019
A comparative study of privacy protection methods for smart home environments
H Park, T Park, SH Son
Int. J. Smart Home 7, 85-94, 2013
Accurate driver detection exploiting invariant characteristics of smartphone sensors
DH Ahn, H Park, K Shin, T Park
Sensors 19 (11), 2643, 2019
Biases in Food Photo Taking Behavior
H Park, AR Kashyap, Z Wang, BY Lim
CHI 2018 Workshop: Designing Recipes for Digital Food Futures. Retrieved …, 2018
Anomaly detection based on recursive least-square filter for robust intelligent transportation systems
C Gwak, M Jo, S Kwon, H Park, SH Son
한국통신학회 학술대회논문집, 438-440, 2015
Cost‐effective, asynchronous inter‐sensor distance estimation using trigonometry
JW Yoon, H Park, NS Kim, T Park
Electronics Letters 52 (12), 1080-1082, 2016
Asynchronous distance measurement for smartphone-based localization exploiting chirp signals
HJ Lee, H Park, T Park
proceedings of the 12th EAI International Conference on Mobile and …, 2015
A deep learning framework to estimate water-to-cement ratio in mortar exploiting frequency domain reflectometry sensors
S Yu, H Park, B Ko, HS Lee, T Park, JW Yoon
Construction and Building Materials 462, 139896, 2025
Linking Mobility Traces of the Same User Across Different Datasets
D Zhang, H Park, S Xiang
2023 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and …, 2023
SalienTrack: providing salient information for semi-automated self-tracking feedback with model explanations
Y Wang, J Liu, H Park, J Schultz-McArdle, S Rosenthal, J Kay, BY Lim
arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.10231, 2021
Assessment of Route Guidance System Utilizing Turning Movement Specific Link Travel Times
H Park, S Jeon, T Park, BB Park, J Jeon, Y Eun, SH Son
ITS World Congress 2018, 2018
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