Marko Petkovic
Marko Petkovic
University of Nis, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Department of Computer Science
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Modified simple equation method for nonlinear evolution equations
AJM Jawad, MD Petković, A Biswas
Applied Mathematics and Computation 217 (2), 869-877, 2010
On the linear weighted sum method for multi-objective optimization
IP Stanimirovic, ML Zlatanovic, MD Petkovic
Facta Acta Univ 26 (4), 49-63, 2011
Numerical and symbolic computations of generalized inverses
Y Wei, P Stanimirovic, M Petkovic
World Scientific, 2018
Perfect state transfer in integral circulant graphs
M Bašić, MD Petković, D Stevanović
Applied Mathematics Letters 22 (7), 1117-1121, 2009
Iterative method for computing the Moore–Penrose inverse based on Penrose equations
MD Petković, PS Stanimirović
Journal of Computational and applied Mathematics 235 (6), 1604-1613, 2011
Soliton solutions of Burgers equations and perturbed Burgers equation
AJM Jawad, MD Petković, A Biswas
Applied Mathematics and Computation 216 (11), 3370-3377, 2010
Gradient neural dynamics for solving matrix equations and their applications
PS Stanimirović, MD Petković
Neurocomputing 306, 200-212, 2018
Dynamics of shallow water waves with Boussinesq equation
AJM Jawad, MD Petković, P Laketa, A Biswas
Scientia Iranica 20 (1), 179-184, 2013
Gauss–Jordan elimination method for computing outer inverses
PS Stanimirović, MD Petković
Applied Mathematics and Computation 219 (9), 4667-4679, 2013
Solitons and conserved quantities of the Ito equation
G Ebadi, AH Kara, MD Petkovic, A Yildirim, A Biswas
Proceedings of the Romanian Academy, Series A 13 (3), 215-224, 2012
Some classes of integral circulant graphs either allowing or not allowing perfect state transfer
M Bašić, MD Petković
Applied Mathematics Letters 22 (10), 1609-1615, 2009
Generalized matrix inversion is not harder than matrix multiplication
MD Petković, PS Stanimirović
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 230 (1), 270-282, 2009
The Hankel transform of the sum of consecutive generalized Catalan numbers
PM Rajković, MD Petković, P Barry
Integral Transforms and Special Functions 18 (4), 285-296, 2007
Gradient neural network with nonlinear activation for computing inner inverses and the Drazin inverse
PS Stanimirović, MD Petković, D Gerontitis
Neural Processing Letters 48 (1), 109-133, 2018
Modified discrete iterations for computing the inverse and pseudoinverse of the time-varying matrix
MD Petković, PS Stanimirović, VN Katsikis
Neurocomputing 289, 155-165, 2018
Simple compression algorithm for memoryless laplacian source based on the optimal companding technique
ZH Perić, MD Petković, MR Dinčić
Informatica 20 (1), 99-114, 2009
Soliton solutions and conservation laws of the Gilson–Pickering equation
G Ebadi, AH Kara, MD Petković, A Biswas
Waves in Random and Complex Media 21 (2), 378-385, 2011
Symbolic computation of weighted Moore–Penrose inverse using partitioning method
MB Tasić, PS Stanimirović, MD Petković
Applied mathematics and computation 189 (1), 615-640, 2007
Nonlinear vibrations of a coupled beam-arch bridge system
V Stojanović, MD Petković, D Milić
Journal of Sound and Vibration 464, 115000, 2020
Effect of convective drying method of chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa L.) on drying kinetics, bioactive components and sensory characteristics of bread with chokeberry powder
M Petković, I Đurović, N Miletic, J Radovanović
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Articles 1–20