Mia M Gaudet
Mia M Gaudet
Director of Genetic Epidemiology, American Cancer Society, Atlanta, GA, USA
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Ovarian cancer statistics, 2018
LA Torre, B Trabert, CE DeSantis, KD Miller, G Samimi, CD Runowicz, ...
CA: a cancer journal for clinicians 68 (4), 284-296, 2018
Breast cancer statistics, 2019
CE DeSantis, J Ma, MM Gaudet, LA Newman, KD Miller, A Goding Sauer, ...
CA: a cancer journal for clinicians 69 (6), 438-451, 2019
Association analysis identifies 65 new breast cancer risk loci
K Michailidou, S Lindström, J Dennis, J Beesley, S Hui, S Kar, A Lemaçon, ...
Nature 551 (7678), 92-94, 2017
Modeling linkage disequilibrium increases accuracy of polygenic risk scores
BJ Vilhjálmsson, J Yang, HK Finucane, A Gusev, S Lindström, S Ripke, ...
The american journal of human genetics 97 (4), 576-592, 2015
Polygenic risk scores for prediction of breast cancer and breast cancer subtypes
N Mavaddat, K Michailidou, J Dennis, M Lush, L Fachal, A Lee, JP Tyrer, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 104 (1), 21-34, 2019
Type I and II endometrial cancers: have they different risk factors?
VW Setiawan, HP Yang, MC Pike, SE McCann, H Yu, YB Xiang, A Wolk, ...
Journal of Clinical Oncology 31 (20), 2607-2618, 2013
Associations of breast cancer risk factors with tumor subtypes: a pooled analysis from the Breast Cancer Association Consortium studies
XR Yang, J Chang-Claude, EL Goode, FJ Couch, H Nevanlinna, RL Milne, ...
Journal of the National Cancer Institute 103 (3), 250-263, 2011
Pathology of breast and ovarian cancers among BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers: results from the Consortium of Investigators of Modifiers of BRCA1/2 (CIMBA)
N Mavaddat, D Barrowdale, IL Andrulis, SM Domchek, D Eccles, ...
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention 21 (1), 134-147, 2012
A population-based study of genes previously implicated in breast cancer
C Hu, SN Hart, R Gnanaolivu, H Huang, KY Lee, J Na, C Gao, J Lilyquist, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 384 (5), 440-451, 2021
Genome-wide association analysis of more than 120,000 individuals identifies 15 new susceptibility loci for breast cancer
K Michailidou, J Beesley, S Lindstrom, S Canisius, J Dennis, MJ Lush, ...
Nature genetics 47 (4), 373-380, 2015
Identification of 23 new prostate cancer susceptibility loci using the iCOGS custom genotyping array
RA Eeles, AAA Olama, S Benlloch, EJ Saunders, DA Leongamornlert, ...
Nature genetics 45 (4), 385-391, 2013
Detectable clonal mosaicism and its relationship to aging and cancer
KB Jacobs, M Yeager, W Zhou, S Wacholder, Z Wang, ...
Nature genetics 44 (6), 651-658, 2012
Ovarian cancer risk factors by histologic subtype: an analysis from the ovarian cancer cohort consortium
N Wentzensen, EM Poole, B Trabert, E White, AA Arslan, AV Patel, ...
Journal of Clinical Oncology 34 (24), 2888-2898, 2016
Active smoking and breast cancer risk: original cohort data and meta-analysis
MM Gaudet, SM Gapstur, J Sun, WR Diver, LM Hannan, MJ Thun
Journal of the National Cancer Institute 105 (8), 515-525, 2013
Genome-wide association studies identify four ER negative–specific breast cancer risk loci
M Garcia-Closas, FJ Couch, S Lindstrom, K Michailidou, MK Schmidt, ...
Nature genetics 45 (4), 392-398, 2013
Breast cancer risk from modifiable and nonmodifiable risk factors among white women in the United States
P Maas, M Barrdahl, AD Joshi, PL Auer, MM Gaudet, RL Milne, ...
JAMA oncology 2 (10), 1295-1302, 2016
Identification of ten variants associated with risk of estrogen-receptor-negative breast cancer
RL Milne, KB Kuchenbaecker, K Michailidou, J Beesley, S Kar, ...
Nature genetics 49 (12), 1767-1778, 2017
A locus on 19p13 modifies risk of breast cancer in BRCA1 mutation carriers and is associated with hormone receptor–negative breast cancer in the general …
AC Antoniou, X Wang, ZS Fredericksen, L McGuffog, R Tarrell, ...
Nature genetics 42 (10), 885-892, 2010
Genome-wide association study identifies 32 novel breast cancer susceptibility loci from overall and subtype-specific analyses
H Zhang, TU Ahearn, J Lecarpentier, D Barnes, J Beesley, G Qi, X Jiang, ...
Nature genetics 52 (6), 572-581, 2020
Germline BRCA Mutations Denote a Clinicopathologic Subset of Prostate Cancer
DJ Gallagher, MM Gaudet, P Pal, T Kirchhoff, L Balistreri, K Vora, J Bhatia, ...
Clinical cancer research 16 (7), 2115-2121, 2010
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