Dr. Rita Cyganski
Dr. Rita Cyganski
Group Leader "Rethinking Neighborhoods & Transport Infrastructures", DLR Inst. of Transport Research
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Cited by
Autonomous driving, the built environment and policy implications
E Fraedrich, D Heinrichs, FJ Bahamonde-Birke, R Cyganski
Transportation research part A: policy and practice 122, 162-172, 2019
Travel-time valuation for automated driving: A use-case-driven study
R Cyganski, E Fraedrich, B Lenz
Proceedings of the 94th Annual Meeting of the TRB, 2015
GIS and transport modeling—Strengthening the spatial perspective
M Loidl, G Wallentin, R Cyganski, A Graser, J Scholz, E Haslauer
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 5 (6), 84, 2016
Estimation of the value of time for automated driving using revealed and stated preference methods
V Kolarova, F Steck, R Cyganski, S Trommer
Transportation research procedia 31, 35-46, 2018
Variation of households car ownership across time: application of a panel data model
MG Woldeamanuel, R Cyganski, A Schulz, A Justen
Transportation 36, 371-387, 2009
Can shared E-scooters reduce CO2 emissions by substituting car trips in Germany?
L Gebhardt, S Ehrenberger, C Wolf, R Cyganski
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 109, 103328, 2022
User perspectives on autonomous driving: a use-case-driven study in Germany
E Fraedrich, R Cyganski, I Wolf, B Lenz
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2016
Factors affecting traveller’s satisfaction with accessibility to public transportation
MG Woldeamanuel, R Cyganski
European Transport Conference, Glasgow, 2011
Simulation of automated transport offers for the city of Brunswick
R Cyganski, M Heinrichs, A von Schmidt, D Krajzewicz
Procedia computer science 130, 872-879, 2018
Introduction of car sharing into existing car fleets in microscopic travel demand modelling
M Heinrichs, D Krajzewicz, R Cyganski, A von Schmidt
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 21, 1055-1065, 2017
Automated driving: How it could enter our cities and how this might af fect our mobility decisions
D Heinrichs, R Cyganski
disP-The Planning Review 51 (2), 74-79, 2015
Disaggregated car fleets in microscopic travel demand modelling
M Heinrichs, D Krajzewicz, R Cyganski, A von Schmidt
Procedia Computer Science 83, 155-162, 2016
Endbericht Renewbility III-Optionen einer Dekarbonisierung des Verkehrssektors
W Zimmer, R Blanck, T Bergmann, M Mottschall, R von Waldenfels, ...
Intermodal Contour Accessibility Measures Computation Using the'UrMo Accessibility Computer'
D Krajzewicz, D Heinrichs, R Cyganski
International Journal On Advances in Systems and Measurements 10 (3&4), 111-123, 2017
Activities while travelling? Travel time perception and travel time use in an era of automated driving
V Kolarova, R Cyganski, B Lenz
Advances in Transport Policy and Planning 3, 171-206, 2019
Autonome fahrzeuge und autonomes fahren aus sicht der nachfragemodellierung
R Cyganski
Autonomes Fahren: Technische, rechtliche und gesellschaftliche Aspekte, 241-263, 2015
Generierung synthetischer Bevölkerungen für Verkehrsnachfragemodelle-Ein Methodenvergleich am Beispiel von Berlin
A von Schmidt, R Cyganski, D Krajzewicz
HEUREKA'17-Optimierung in Verkehr und Transport, 193-210, 2017
E-Scooter-Potentiale, Herausforderungen und Implikationen für das Verkehrssystem: Abschlussbericht Kurzstudie E-Scooter
L Gebhardt, C Wolf, S Ehrenberger, R Seiffert, D Krajzewicz, R Cyganski
DLR eV, 2021
Automated vehicles and automated driving from a demand modeling perspective
R Cyganski
Autonomous Driving: Technical, Legal and Social Aspects, 233-253, 2016
Maßnahmensensitive nachfragemodellierung in mikroskopischen personenverkehrsmodellen
R Cyganski, A Justen
DVWG Jahresband 2007: Ausgewählte Beiträge der zentralen wissenschaftlichen …, 2007
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Articles 1–20