Felix Strübing
Felix Strübing
Sonstige NamenFelix L Struebing
Center for Neuropathology and Prion Research, University of Munich
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EEG oscillatory patterns are associated with error prediction during music performance and are altered in musician's dystonia
MH Ruiz, F Strübing, HC Jabusch, E Altenmüller
Neuroimage 55 (4), 1791-1803, 2011
A microglial signature directing human aging and neurodegeneration-related gene networks
S Mukherjee, C Klaus, M Pricop-Jeckstadt, JA Miller, FL Struebing
Frontiers in neuroscience 13, 2, 2019
Neuropathology of incidental Lewy body & prodromal Parkinson’s disease
T Koeglsperger, SL Rumpf, P Schließer, FL Struebing, M Brendel, J Levin, ...
Molecular Neurodegeneration 18 (1), 32, 2023
Long-term diazepam treatment enhances microglial spine engulfment and impairs cognitive performance via the mitochondrial 18 kDa translocator protein (TSPO)
Y Shi, M Cui, K Ochs, M Brendel, FL Strübing, N Briel, F Eckenweber, ...
Nature Neuroscience 25 (3), 317-329, 2022
Different Effect of Sox11 in Retinal Ganglion Cells Survival and Axon Regeneration
Y Li, FL Struebing, J Wang, R King, EE Geisert
Frontiers in genetics 9, 633, 2018
What animal models can tell us about glaucoma
FL Struebing, EE Geisert
Progress in molecular biology and translational science 134, 365-380, 2015
Commonalities of optic nerve injury and glaucoma-induced neurodegeneration: Insights from transcriptome-wide studies
J Wang, FL Struebing, EE Geisert
Experimental eye research 207, 108571, 2021
Genomic locus modulating corneal thickness in the mouse identifies POU6F2 as a potential risk of developing glaucoma
R King, FL Struebing, Y Li, J Wang, AA Koch, JN Cooke Bailey, ...
PLoS genetics 14 (1), e1007145, 2018
Error monitoring is altered in musician's dystonia: evidence from ERP‐based studies
F Strübing, MH Ruiz, HC Jabusch, E Altenmüller
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1252 (1), 192-199, 2012
Comprehensive profiling of myxopapillary ependymomas identifies a distinct molecular subtype with relapsing disease
M Bockmayr, K Harnisch, LC Pohl, L Schweizer, T Mohme, M Körner, ...
Neuro-oncology 24 (10), 1689-1699, 2022
Molecular diagnostics helps to identify distinct subgroups of spinal astrocytomas
A Biczok, FL Strübing, JM Eder, R Egensperger, O Schnell, S Zausinger, ...
Acta neuropathologica communications 9 (1), 119, 2021
Transcriptional changes in the mouse retina after ocular blast injury: a role for the immune system
FL Struebing, R King, Y Li, MA Chrenek, PN Lyuboslavsky, CS Sidhu, ...
Journal of neurotrauma 35 (1), 118-129, 2018
RNA sequencing profiling of the retina in C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mice: Enhancing the retinal microarray data sets from GeneNetwork
J Wang, EE Geisert, FL Struebing
Molecular vision 25, 345, 2019
Differential Expression of Sox11 and Bdnf mRNA Isoforms in the Injured and Regenerating Nervous Systems
FL Struebing, J Wang, Y Li, R King, OC Mistretta, AW English, EE Geisert
Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience 10, 354, 2017
Optic nerve regeneration in the mouse is a complex trait modulated by genetic background
J Wang, Y Li, R King, FL Struebing, EE Geisert
Molecular vision 24, 174, 2018
Genetic networks in mouse retinal ganglion cells
FL Struebing, RK Lee, RW Williams, EE Geisert
Frontiers in genetics 7, 169, 2016
ImagePAD, a novel counting application for the Apple iPad®, used to quantify axons in the Mouse Optic Nerve
JP Templeton, FL Struebing, A Lemmon, EE Geisert
Experimental eye research 128, 102-108, 2014
Genomic loci modulating retinal ganglion cell death following elevated IOP in the mouse
FL Struebing, R King, Y Li, JNC Bailey, JL Wiggs, EE Geisert
Experimental eye research 169, 61-67, 2018
Clinicopathologic findings in fatal neurotoxicity after adoptive immunotherapy with CD19-directed CAR T-cells
P Karschnia, F Strübing, N Teske, V Blumenberg, VL Bücklein, C Schmidt, ...
Hemasphere 5 (3), e533, 2021
Targeting TGFβ-activated kinase-1 activation in microglia reduces CAR T immune effector cell-associated neurotoxicity syndrome
JM Vinnakota, F Biavasco, M Schwabenland, C Chhatbar, RC Adams, ...
Nature Cancer, 1-23, 2024
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