Dipankar Ghosh, PhD
Dipankar Ghosh, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Old Dominion University
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Domain Wall Displacement is the Origin of Superior Permittivity and Piezoelectricity in BaTiO3 at Intermediate Grain Sizes
D Ghosh, A Sakata, J Carter, PA Thomas, H Han, JC Nino, JL Jones
Advanced Functional Materials 24 (7), 885-896, 2014
Dynamic indentation response of fine‐grained boron carbide
D Ghosh, G Subhash, TS Sudarshan, R Radhakrishnan, XL Gao
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 90 (6), 1850-1857, 2007
Scratch-induced microplasticity and microcracking in zirconium diboride–silicon carbide composite
D Ghosh, G Subhash, R Radhakrishnan, TS Sudarshan
Acta Materialia 56 (13), 3011-3022, 2008
Measurement of scratch-induced residual stress within SiC grains in ZrB2–SiC composite using micro-Raman spectroscopy
D Ghosh, G Subhash, N Orlovskaya
Acta Materialia 56 (18), 5345-5354, 2008
Recent advances in dynamic indentation fracture, impact damage and fragmentation of ceramics
G Subhash, S Maiti, PH Geubelle, D Ghosh
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 91 (9), 2777-2791, 2008
Strain-induced formation of carbon and boron clusters in boron carbide during dynamic indentation
D Ghosh, G Subhash, CH Lee, YK Yap
Applied Physics Letters 91 (6), 2007
Room-temperature dislocation activity during mechanical deformation of polycrystalline ultra-high-temperature ceramics
D Ghosh, G Subhash, GR Bourne
Scripta Materialia 61 (11), 1075-1078, 2009
Influence of stress state and strain rate on structural amorphization in boron carbide
D Ghosh, G Subhash, JQ Zheng, V Halls
Journal of applied physics 111 (6), 2012
Plastic Work to Heat Conversion During High-Strain Rate Deformation of Mg and Mg Alloy
D Ghosh, OT Kingstedt, G Ravichandran
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 48, 14-19, 2017
Characterization of the 3-D amorphized zone beneath a Vickers indentation in boron carbide using Raman spectroscopy
G Subhash, D Ghosh, J Blaber, JQ Zheng, V Halls, K Masters
Acta materialia 61 (10), 3888-3896, 2013
A comparison of microstructure and uniaxial compressive response of ice-templated alumina scaffolds fabricated from two different particle sizes
D Ghosh, N Dhavale, M Banda, H Kang
Ceramics International 42 (14), 16138-16147, 2016
Synthesis of Mg–Al2O3 nanocomposites by mechanical alloying
J Liu, C Suryanarayana, D Ghosh, G Subhash, L An
Journal of alloys and compounds 563, 165-170, 2013
Colossal Permittivity in Microwave‐Sintered Barium Titanate and Effect of Annealing on Dielectric Properties
H Han, D Ghosh, JL Jones, JC Nino
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 96 (2), 485-490, 2013
Nature inspired novel processing routes for ceramic foams
S Dhara, M Pradhan, D Ghosh, P Bhargava
Advances in applied ceramics 104 (1), 9-21, 2005
Platelets-induced stiffening and strengthening of ice-templated highly porous alumina scaffolds
D Ghosh, M Banda, H Kang, N Dhavale
Scripta Materialia 125, 29-33, 2016
Uniaxial quasistatic and dynamic compressive response of foams made from hollow glass microspheres
D Ghosh, A Wiest, RD Conner
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 36, 781-789, 2016
Influence of anisotropic grains (platelets) on the microstructure and uniaxial compressive response of ice-templated sintered alumina scaffolds
D Ghosh, H Kang, M Banda, V Kamaha
Acta Materialia 125, 1-14, 2017
Synthesis of BaTiO3‐20wt%CoFe2O4 Nanocomposites via Spark Plasma Sintering
D Ghosh, H Han, JC Nino, G Subhash, JL Jones
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 95 (8), 2504-2509, 2012
Inelastic deformation under indentation and scratch loads in a ZrB2–SiC composite
D Ghosh, G Subhash, GR Bourne
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 29 (14), 3053-3061, 2009
Effects of porosity and strain rate on the uniaxial compressive response of ice-templated sintered macroporous alumina
M Banda, D Ghosh
Acta Materialia 149, 179-192, 2018
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