John Ruberson
John Ruberson
Professor of Entomology, University of Nebraska
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Development of Spodoptera frugiperda on different hosts and damage to reproductive structures in cotton
EM Barros, JB Torres, JR Ruberson, MD Oliveira
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 137 (3), 237-245, 2010
Pesticides and conservation of natural enemies in pest management
J Ruberson, H Nemoto, Y Hirose
Conservation biological control, 207-220, 1998
Effects of nitrogen fertilization on tritrophic interactions
Y Chen, DM Olson, JR Ruberson
Arthropod-Plant Interactions 4, 81-94, 2010
Nitrogen fertilization rate affects feeding, larval performance, and oviposition preference of the beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua, on cotton
Y Chen, JR Ruberson, DM Olson
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 126 (3), 244-255, 2008
A Multiyear, Large-Scale Comparison of Arthropod Populations on Commercially Managed Bt and Non-Bt Cotton Fields
G Head, W Moar, M Eubanks, B Freeman, J Ruberson, A Hagerty, ...
Environmental Entomology 34 (5), 1257-1266, 2005
Management of the beet armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in cotton: role of natural enemies
JR Ruberson, GA Herzog, WR Lambert, WJ Lewis
Florida Entomologist, 440-453, 1994
Canopy- and Ground-Dwelling Predatory Arthropods in Commercial Bt and non-Bt Cotton Fields: Patterns and Mechanisms
JB Torres, JR Ruberson
Environmental entomology 34 (5), 1242-1256, 2005
Interactions of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ac toxin in genetically engineered cotton with predatory heteropterans
JB Torres, JR Ruberson
Transgenic Research 17, 345-354, 2008
Resistance mechanisms against arthropod herbivores in cotton and their interactions with natural enemies
S Hagenbucher, DM Olson, JR Ruberson, FL Wäckers, J Romeis
Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 32 (6), 458-482, 2013
Expression of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ac protein in cotton plants, acquisition by pests and predators: a tritrophic analysis
JB Torres, JR Ruberson, MJ Adang
Agricultural and Forest Entomology 8 (3), 191-202, 2006
Parasitism of developing eggs by Trichogramma pretiosum (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae): host age preference and suitability
JR Ruberson, TJ Kring
Biological Control 3 (1), 39-46, 1993
Spatial and temporal variability in host use by Helicoverpa zea as measured by analyses of stable carbon isotope ratios and gossypol residues
G Head, RE Jackson, J Adamczyk, JR Bradley, J Van Duyn, J Gore, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 47 (3), 583-592, 2010
Ecological compatibility of GM crops and biological control
JG Lundgren, AJ Gassmann, J Bernal, JJ Duan, J Ruberson
Crop Protection 28 (12), 1017-1030, 2009
Plant Feeding by Podisus maculiventris (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae): Effect on Survival, Development, and Preoviposition Period
JR Ruberson, MJ Tauber, CA Tauber
Environmental Entomology 15 (4), 894-897, 1986
The present and future role of insect-resistant genetically modified cotton in IPM
SE Naranjo, JR Ruberson, HC Sharma, L Wilson, K Wu
Integration of insect-resistant genetically modified crops within IPM …, 2008
From Asian curiosity to eruptive American pest: Megacopta cribraria (Hemiptera: Plataspidae) and prospects for its biological control
JR Ruberson, K Takasu, G David Buntin, JE Eger, WA Gardner, ...
Applied Entomology and Zoology 48, 3-13, 2013
Toxicity of thiamethoxam and imidacloprid to Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas)(Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) nymphs associated to aphid and whitefly control in cotton
JB Torres, JR Ruberson
Neotropical Entomology 33, 99-106, 2004
Photoperiodic Effect on Diapause Induction and Development in the Predator Orius insidiosus (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae)
JR Ruberson, L Bush, TJ Kring
Environmental Entomology 20 (3), 786-789, 1991
Predatory Heteroptera: their ecology and use in biological control.
M Coll, JR Ruberson
Regional assessment of Helicoverpa zea populations on cotton and non‐cotton crop hosts
RE Jackson, JR Bradley, J Van Duyn, BR Leonard, KC Allen, R Luttrell, ...
Entomologia experimentalis et applicata 126 (2), 89-106, 2008
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