Coen Teulings
Coen Teulings
Professor economics, University of Amsterdam (UvA)
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Imatinib compared with interferon and low-dose cytarabine for newly diagnosed chronic-phase chronic myeloid leukemia
SG O'Brien, F Guilhot, RA Larson, I Gathmann, M Baccarani, F Cervantes, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 348 (11), 994-1004, 2003
The economic impact of minimum wages in Europe
J Dolado, F Kramarz, S Machin, A Manning, D Margolis, C Teulings
Economic policy 11 (23), 317-372, 1996
Secular stagnation: facts, causes and cures
R Baldwin, C Teulings
London: Centre for Economic Policy Research-CEPR, 2014
Corporatism or competition?: labour contracts, institutions and wage structures in international comparison
C Teulings, J Hartog
Cambridge University Press, 1998
Is economic recovery a myth? Robust estimation of impulse responses
CN Teulings, N Zubanov
Journal of Applied Econometrics 29 (3), 497-514, 2014
The wage distribution in a model of the assignment of skills to jobs
CN Teulings
Journal of political Economy 103 (2), 280-315, 1995
The contribution of minimum wages to increasing wage inequality
CN Teulings
The Economic Journal 113 (490), 801-833, 2003
Saving and investing over the life cycle and the role of collective pension funds
L Bovenberg, R Koijen, T Nijman, C Teulings
De Economist 155, 347-415, 2007
Education, growth, and income inequality
C Teulings, T Van Rens
The review of economics and statistics 90 (1), 89-104, 2008
Generational accounting, solidarity and pension losses
CN Teulings, CG De Vries
de Economist 154, 63-83, 2006
The right man for the job
CN Teulings, PA Gautier
The Review of Economic Studies 71 (2), 553-580, 2004
On-the-job search, mismatch and efficiency
PA Gautier, CN Teulings, A Van Vuuren
The Review of Economic Studies 77 (1), 245-272, 2010
Wages and the bargaining regime in a corporatist setting: the Netherlands
J Hartog, E Leuven, C Teulings
European Journal of Political Economy 18 (2), 317-331, 2002
Aggregation bias in elasticities of substitution and the minimum wage paradox
CN Teulings
International Economic Review 41 (2), 359-398, 2000
Marriage and the city: Search frictions and sorting of singles
PA Gautier, M Svarer, CN Teulings
Journal of Urban Economics 67 (2), 206-218, 2010
Spatial and welfare effects of automated driving: Will cities grow, decline or both?
G Gelauff, I Ossokina, C Teulings
Transportation research part A: policy and practice 121, 277-294, 2019
Comparative advantage, relative wages, and the accumulation of human capital
CN Teulings
Journal of Political Economy 113 (2), 425-461, 2005
An econometric model of crowding out of lower education levels
C Teulings, M Koopmanschap
European economic review 33 (8), 1653-1664, 1989
How large are search frictions?
PA Gautier, CN Teulings
Journal of the European Economic Association 4 (6), 1193-1225, 2006
De calculus van het publieke belang
CN Teulings, AL Bovenberg, HP van Dalen
Kenniscentrum voor Ordeningsvraagstukken, 2003
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