Christopher Glein
Christopher Glein
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Liquid water on Enceladus from observations of ammonia and 40Ar in the plume
JH Waite Jr, WS Lewis, BA Magee, JI Lunine, WB McKinnon, CR Glein, ...
Nature 460 (7254), 487-490, 2009
Cassini finds molecular hydrogen in the Enceladus plume: evidence for hydrothermal processes
JH Waite, CR Glein, RS Perryman, BD Teolis, BA Magee, G Miller, ...
Science 356 (6334), 155-159, 2017
Macromolecular organic compounds from the depths of Enceladus
F Postberg, N Khawaja, B Abel, G Choblet, CR Glein, MS Gudipati, ...
Nature 558 (7711), 564-568, 2018
Why O2 Is Required by Complex Life on Habitable Planets and the Concept of Planetary "Oxygenation Time"
DC Catling, CR Glein, KJ Zahnle, CP McKay
Astrobiology 5 (3), 415-438, 2005
The pH of Enceladus’ ocean
CR Glein, JA Baross, JH Waite Jr
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 162, 202-219, 2015
The astrobiology primer v2. 0
SD Domagal-Goldman, KE Wright, K Adamala, LA De La Rubia, J Bond, ...
Astrobiology 16 (8), 561, 2016
The Enceladus Orbilander mission concept: Balancing return and resources in the search for life
SM MacKenzie, M Neveu, AF Davila, JI Lunine, KL Craft, ML Cable, ...
The Planetary Science Journal 2 (2), 77, 2021
Detection of phosphates originating from Enceladus’s ocean
F Postberg, Y Sekine, F Klenner, CR Glein, Z Zou, B Abel, K Furuya, ...
Nature 618 (7965), 489-493, 2023
The carbonate geochemistry of Enceladus' ocean
CR Glein, JH Waite
Geophysical Research Letters 47 (3), e2019GL085885, 2020
Light-toned layered deposits in Juventae Chasma, Mars
DC Catling, SE Wood, C Leovy, DR Montgomery, HM Greenberg, ...
Icarus 181 (1), 26-51, 2006
Chemical interactions between Saturn’s atmosphere and its rings
JH Waite Jr, RS Perryman, ME Perry, KE Miller, J Bell, TE Cravens, ...
Science 362 (6410), eaat2382, 2018
The geochemistry of Enceladus: Composition and controls
CR Glein, F Postberg, SD Vance
Enceladus and the icy moons of Saturn 39, 2018
A metamorphic origin for Europa's ocean
M Melwani Daswani, SD Vance, MJ Mayne, CR Glein
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (18), e2021GL094143, 2021
Ice-ocean exchange processes in the Jovian and Saturnian satellites
KM Soderlund, K Kalousová, JJ Buffo, CR Glein, JC Goodman, G Mitri, ...
Space Science Reviews 216, 1-57, 2020
Prerequisites for explosive cryovolcanism on dwarf planet-class Kuiper belt objects
M Neveu, SJ Desch, EL Shock, CR Glein
Icarus 246, 48-64, 2015
Noble gases, nitrogen, and methane from the deep interior to the atmosphere of Titan
CR Glein
Icarus 250, 570-586, 2015
The oxidation state of hydrothermal systems on early Enceladus
CR Glein, MY Zolotov, EL Shock
Icarus 197 (1), 157-163, 2008
The science case for a return to Enceladus
ML Cable, C Porco, CR Glein, CR German, SM MacKenzie, M Neveu, ...
The planetary science journal 2 (4), 132, 2021
Discriminating abiotic and biotic fingerprints of amino acids and fatty acids in ice grains relevant to ocean worlds
F Klenner, F Postberg, J Hillier, N Khawaja, ML Cable, B Abel, S Kempf, ...
Astrobiology 20 (10), 1168-1184, 2020
A geochemical model of non-ideal solutions in the methane–ethane–propane–nitrogen–acetylene system on Titan
CR Glein, EL Shock
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 115, 217-240, 2013
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