Niklas Bagge
Niklas Bagge
WSP Sverige AB
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In-situ methods to determine residual prestress forces in concrete bridges
N Bagge, J Nilimaa, L Elfgren
Engineering Structures 135, 41-52, 2017
Failure tests on concrete bridges: Have we learnt the lessons?
N Bagge, C Popescu, L Elfgren
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 14 (3), 292-319, 2018
Moment redistribution in RC beams–A study of the influence of longitudinal and transverse reinforcement ratios and concrete strength
N Bagge, A O’Connor, L Elfgren, C Pedersen
Engineering structures 80, 11-23, 2014
Instrumentation and full-scale test of a post-tensioned concrete bridge
N Bagge, J Nilimaa, T Blanksvärd, L Elfgren
Nordic Concrete Research 51, 63-83, 2014
A multi-level strategy for successively improved structural analysis of existing concrete bridges: Examination using a prestressed concrete bridge tested to failure
N Bagge, M Plos, C Popescu
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 15 (1), 27-53, 2019
Punching capacity of a reinforced concrete bridge deck slab loaded to failure
N Bagge, J Shu, M Plos, L Elfgren
Nordic Concrete Federation: Residual capacity of deteriorated concrete …, 2015
Validation of a numerical method for predicting shear deformation of reinforced concrete beams
Z Huang, Y Tu, S Meng, N Bagge, J Nilimaa, T Blanksvärd
Engineering Structures 197, 109367, 2019
Shear capacity of a RC bridge deck slab: Comparison between multilevel assessment and field test
J Shu, N Bagge, M Plos, M Johansson, Y Yang, K Zandi
Journal of Structural Engineering 144 (7), 04018081, 2018
Local and global behavior of walls with cut-out openings in multi-story reinforced concrete buildings
C Sabau, C Popescu, N Bagge, G Sas, T Blanksvärd, B Täljsten
Engineering Structures 187, 57-72, 2019
NSM CFRP strengthening and failure loading of a posttensioned concrete bridge
J Nilimaa, N Bagge, T Blanksvärd, B Täljsten
Journal of Composites for Construction 20 (3), 04015076, 2016
Demonstration and examination of a procedure for successively improved structural assessment of concrete bridges
N Bagge
Structural Concrete 21 (4), 1321-1344, 2020
Structural assessment procedures for existing concrete bridges: Experiences from failure tests of the Kiruna Bridge
N Bagge
Doctoral thesis, 2017
Modelling of damage and its use in assessment of a prestressed bridge
Z Huang, N Grip, N Sabourova, N Bagge, YM Tu, L Elfgren
Luleå tekniska universitet, 2016
Loading to failure of a 55 year old prestressed concrete bridge
N Bagge, J Nilimaa, G Sas, T Blanksvärd, L Elfgren, Y Tu, A Carolin
IABSE Workshop Helsinki 2015: Safety, Robustness and Condition Assessment of …, 2015
Assessment of concrete bridges: Models and tests for refined capacity estimates
N Bagge
Luleå tekniska universitet, 2014
More realistic codes for existing bridges
J Nilimaa, N Bagge, J Häggström, T Blanksvärd, G Sas, B Täljsten, ...
19th IABSE Congress Stockholm, 21-23 september 2016, 399-407, 2016
Field destructive testing of a reinforced concrete bridge deck slab
J Shu, N Bagge, J Nilimaa
Journal of Bridge Engineering 25 (9), 04020067, 2020
Assessment of Concrete Bridges
N Bagge
Models and Tests for Refined Capacity Estimates, 2014
Load-testing used for quality control of bridges
L Elfgren, B Täljsten, T Blanksvärd, G Sas, J Nilimaa, N Bagge, Y Tu, ...
Workshop of COST TU 1406 in Wroclaw, Poland, March 1-2, 2018, 1-6, 2018
Testing Bridges to Failure: Experiences
J Häggström, N Bagge, J Nilimaa, G Sas, T Blanksvärd, B Täljsten, ...
39th IABSE Symposium, Engineering the Future, Vancouver, Canada, Sept 21-23 …, 2017
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